
Progesterone cream and post partum birth control

by April

Hi! I'd love to use progesterone cream as a contraceptive. I was thinking of going on the mini pill- and since that's just synthetic progesterone it seems like it would be better to take the real thing.

My question is, if I haven't resumed my periods yet, do I just take it everyday? And when my cycles do resume, they're always irregular. How do I know when to take it?


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Sep 09, 2013
Progesterone cream and post partum birth control
by: Wray

Hi April It is better to take the real thing, and it is as affective. But one thing you should always bear in mind is stress. Stress drops levels of progesterone, so it's effectiveness would drop. Either use more progesterone or use some other means of protection. Alternatively you could try the copper T IUD, there's more info on our Contraceptives page. For contraceptive purposes the progesterone should be started about 5 days prior to ovulation and continued till bleeding starts, see here. Scroll to contraceptives. You would use it now on a daily basis as your periods haven't started yet. Although while breastfeeding this also usually prevents conception. The high levels of oxytocin and prolactin suppress the reproductive system. You might like to read these papers here. This is another worth reading, see here. Take care Wray

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