
Progesterone causing insomnia and anxious feelings

by Tracy

Has anyone experienced insomnia and anxious feelings with progesterone? I am currently doing bioidentical hormone pellet therapy (testosterone only) and was prescribed Progesterone too. I already had some bioidentical Progesterone cream that was highly rated and every time I try to use it I am awake forever at night and have strange anxiety type feelings during the day.

My doctor wanted me to take an oral progesterone from a compounding pharmacy but I am too afraid since the cream affected me so strangely. I know I will need it, if not now, in the future, but am afraid I won't be able to take it due to my reaction that I have each and every time I try the cream. My progesterone is only borderline low, so maybe I don't need it yet and that is why it makes me feel this way. I just missed my first period so have not tried it since this happened but was trying it the 2 weeks leading up to period, not for the whole month since I was still having periods. Any thoughts or suggestions?

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Feb 07, 2017
Progesterone causing insomnia and anxious feelings
by: Carol K

There is a lot of information on this website you should be reading to try and find answers to your questions. I am not sure why you are using Testosterone but this could be creating or adding to your problems. I believe that Wray would not have encouraged this, but I may be wrong. I think you should be using Progesterone every day, especially as you have missed a period. Check this site for how much you should be using.Good luck.

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