
Post Menopausal Simple Endometrial Hyperplasia

by Kathy

Can anyone enlighten me? About a year ago I had some post menopausal spotting, went to GYN and had every test imginable ran... diagnosis simple non atypia endometrial hyperplasia.

I had a D&C done and a look see, a sizable polyp was removed. GYN put me on 10 mg of medroxyprogesterone daily for 3 months to be followed up with yet another D&C.

Here's my question... after about 10 days on the progesterone, I stared spotting again then it settled down for a couple of weeks. Then I started bleeding again and have been bleeding for 6 weeks now (and have been finished with the progesterone for 1 week) it seems to be getting heavier and the GYN says this is "NORMAL"... has anyone had this experience? I'm due for my D&C in 2 weeks.

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May 09, 2011
Post Menopausal Simple Endometrial Hyperplasia
by: Wray

Hi Kathy Firstly let me clear a confusion, doctors call MPA 'progesterone', but it's not, it's a synthetic form, which has androgenic actions. In fact it's a highly potent androgen, see here. There's more info on our Contraceptives and HRT web pages. I'm not sure of your age, but spotting can occur in the early stages of Menopause. Although women make insufficient oestrogen to build the lining each month, it can build up over time, leading to spotting. The MPA has upset your natural balance. Progesterone does stop the endometrium from proliferating, see here, ie it opposes oestrogen's proliferating action. And can stop bleeding, but I've found if it's continual and heavy between 400-600mg/day is needed to get it under control. Once it is, the amount can be reduced slowly till the optimum is found. If you should consider using it, please read our page on Oestrogen Dominance first as this can occur. Take care Wray

Jun 16, 2016
Post menopausal bleeding
by: Anonymous

This sounds exactly like my health situation. I am 60 yrs old. I stopped menses at age 32. Didn't really investigate cause. Gyncologist did a D&C/hysteroscopy. Found the atypia endometrial hyperplasia// and removed a uterine polyp. I started spotting(remains very light) again within a month, so she did ultrasound finding thickened lining again after only a month of having the d&c. Dr put me on 10 mg of pill form Progesterone to thin the lining. Said would check the lining with an ultrasound in Aug. The Rx is making me bloated feeling and gaining weight. I am feeling concerned as she couldn't give me a cause for the spotting. My daughter had a GCT and feels we must know why the bleeding. Hopeful that I could find out more on this.

Jul 07, 2020
Yes it’s normal
by: Anonymous

Bleeding on progesterone for endometrial hyperplasia is a good thing which means it most likely is shedding the excess lining of the uterus! It could be more serious, what I don’t get is if you are shedding why would they do another D&C?

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