by Kathy
Can anyone enlighten me? About a year ago I had some post menopausal spotting, went to GYN and had every test imginable ran... diagnosis simple non atypia endometrial hyperplasia.
I had a D&C done and a look see, a sizable polyp was removed. GYN put me on 10 mg of medroxyprogesterone daily for 3 months to be followed up with yet another D&C.
Here's my question... after about 10 days on the progesterone, I stared spotting again then it settled down for a couple of weeks. Then I started bleeding again and have been bleeding for 6 weeks now (and have been finished with the progesterone for 1 week) it seems to be getting heavier and the GYN says this is "NORMAL"... has anyone had this experience? I'm due for my D&C in 2 weeks.
Comments for Post Menopausal Simple Endometrial Hyperplasia