
Mental fog and painful sex

by Cindy
(New York, NY)

I've used Natpro for many years and the product is great. However, due to the difficulty of receiving the product because of stocking problems, I switch to Progest. Ok results, but had to use twice as much for the same the interim, (which could be as long as a year), I've noticed a great deal of "brain fog" (difficulty retrieving the word I want at the right time) and now sex is too painful. I added a product with estriol, and the brain fog lifted almost immediately. No resolution for painful sex. I've just ordered 3 dispensers (happy to see there are no stocking problems!). Will the brain fog lift with Natpro? Also, it's my understanding that small amounts of estriol will correct vaginal tightness and thinning. Can someone weigh-in with their experience and advice? Thanks so much in advance.

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Jul 27, 2016
Vagina Dryness
by: letitia

It has been my experience and yes I used natural progesterone. in the vaginal area some estrogen is unfortunately necessary now matter how we may wish it not to be true.
There is a difference between a woman with vaginal dryness having sex and one who is not, they are two different issues.
If I was in my 50-60-70 and not with a partner then I would say progesterone does it, when you are being engaged in intimacy it does not.
That is just my personal experience
I use a vaginal estrogen cream and increase my progestrone to balance my body
In my opinion it is all about balancing the hormones

Aug 01, 2016
Viginal dryness
by: Alyce

I disagree with you letita. I have been putting Natpro in my vigina ever since I was 35 and it works fabulously well for dryness. I could never go back to using estrogen no matter what it is. Why would you want to use more progesterone to balance your body, makes no sense. It is very simple, do not use estrogen.

Aug 02, 2016
Age relevent
by: letitia

I am now 60 and fully through menopause, now when I was younger I would not have needed any vaginal estrogen, however my body does not not even register much estrogen at all <.6> on a saliva test
In my humble opinion body balance of hormones is of upmost importance therefore that is why I do what I do and it has worked for me for years now. I also not have any bladder incontinence either and a lot of my age group does

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