by Andrea
(San Francisco)
I have been having the worst periods along with emotional ups and downs ie. frustration, anxiety, anger and insomnia. I recently went to a specialist who infmormed me that I had a hormone imbalance and Insulin Resistance.
What was prescribed that day was to remain on the contraceptive pill and Glucophage. No explanation of why to remain on pill. From the lack of infomation given to me I sought a second opinion. Second Dr. told me that I had extremely low progesterone and yes, I was Insulin Resistant. I stopped the pill under her advice and I have been prescribed Bio-Identical Progesterone and will begin in 5 days. My question is how do I manage the IR? Can I take the Progesterone and Glucophage? Also, with extreme low progesterone what are my chances of conceiving?
Very informative sight, love it! Thank you.
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