by Dianne
I am post menopausal and was having hormone problems for years.
I have a liver enzyme problem with drugs and my testostroone levels have sky rocketed into the thousands and up and down. I am also Celiac and have thyroid issues and do they go hand in hand? I am having like a "yeast" inf but they couldn't see any yeast. I live on acidlphius and eat a lot of frozen yogurt.
The strange problem I have is I can urinate over 30 to 60 times a day!
Its awful and the Drs told me its interstitial cystitis as I had when very young but never this bad. Ever since then I stopped taking the creme and all my tests are great cept the vitamin d-3 again and I'm in Texas. Most peole are deficient in this, I know of at least 3 and this also can cause depression, anxiety and more so all people need it checked often. Thanks, I just can't stand going to the bathrom over and over Its taking over my life. Any info would help.
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