

by Marcia
(PA, USA )

I'm using 10-20mg of progesterone cream every 1-2 hours trying to make the anxiety go away since starting the cream 2 days ago. It's getting worse. What should I do. I'm really getting scared.

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May 25, 2013
Too much progesterone
by: Dan

Stop taking so much, you should only need 20-40mg a day. Contact Wray with your symptoms etc. first.

May 27, 2013
by: Joy

Hi Marcia

Wray always suggests that 100-200mg/per day is needed to help with anxiety, possibly more depending on how severe it is. She does have an Anxiety page if you care to read it - see here. Please also have your vitamin D level tested if you do not know what your level is. This is vital as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone. Calming nutrients are also needed to help anxiety.

Sorry Dan, but I disagree with you. Using the amount that you suggest will merely cause all sorts of estrogen dominance symptoms. People then think that progesterone is to blame which is untrue. Please read this post here by JL on the correct amount progesterone to use.

I am sure that Wray will comment as soon as she can.

May 29, 2013
by: Wray

Hi Marcia Assuming you're applying it every hour for 10 hours, you will be getting 100-200mg/day. If only every 2 hours then it's only 50-100mg/day which is not enough. I would suggest using at least 200mg/day, try using about 100mg in the am, another midday and another at night. We do have a page on Anxiety which gives a list of nutrients which all help, you might consider taking some. Take care Wray

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