
First month on Nat Pro - Period Late

I started using this cream for the first time this month, and while I found no additional side effects - or benefits for that matter - my period is now well over a week late. Is this to be expected, and does it mean that I've been using too much of the cream?

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Dec 30, 2012
First month on Nat Pro - Period Late
by: Wray

Hi there It's very common for progesterone to upset the cycle when first using it. It can be earlier or later than normal. We do have more info our our page How to use progesterone cream. Not knowing how much progesterone you're using, makes it impossible for me to say whether you're using too little or too much. Although I doubt too much, as amounts of 1000mg/day are used by some women, see some of the comments here here and here. Maybe you could come back to me with how much you are using. I normally recommend 100-200mg/day, more if symptoms are severe. We do have a few more pages you could look through, Peri-menopause Menopause and Oestrogen Dominance. Take care Wray

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