

I have had Fibro for about 7 years and for the last 5 years I have had hotflashes that will not quit. Gyno says I am post menopausal.

I am also on Fentanyl patch for pain. I have no other choice. Chronic pain and fatigue too bad. On anitdepressants also. Could be patch or anitdepressant but taking the questionaire could also be something else.

I know I need to consult a doctor but would it hurt using cream just to see? Just about willing to do anything. Hotflashes debilitating.

Comments for Fibromyalgia

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Jun 09, 2010
by: Wray

Hi there According to some authorities fibro is caused by a lack of either vitamin D or tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin. Interesting, but a lack of both these cause depression and fatigue. For info on tryptophan please see here.
And here.
And here.
For info on vitamin D please see here. A lack of progesterone can also cause fatigue and depression too, as it helps raise serotonin levels. And coming full circle, a lack of vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone. So please, please have a vitamin D test done, I'm sure you are deficient. For more info please see here. There are many natural antidepressants, please see here. Finally hot flushes will go if you use a very high dose of 400mg/day progesterone for about 4 plus days. It's perfectly safe to do so, then once gone reduce the amount slowly till you find the optimum level. Take care Wray

Jun 10, 2010
Info for Fibromyalgia
by: Deborah

I have fibromyalgia also so my heart goes out to you! I was reading what Wray was telling ya about L- tryptophan and found a company that has the complete formula and it is parmaceutical Grade. This company also supplies for Vets too! Which makes that just that more safe. I fall alseep really quickly but I wake everynight at 2-3am. I am so tired by morning. My mind never stops and I am so moody I warn family to run. I am taking the progestorone too I am now up to 150mg a day and going up. Ohhhh Lord help me getting through the estrogen dominance. The pain is the worst. So I wanted to tell you the website I found the Ltyptophan complete.

Jun 10, 2010
Info for fibromyalgia 2
by: Deborah

I found the same L-Tryptophan complete at it is cheaper here and you can use Paypal. more info too!

Jun 11, 2010
Info for Fibromyalgia
by: Wray

Hi Deborah. Bless you for giving the links, it's so helpful. Do consider having a vitamin D test too, too many of us have far too low a level. Mine was only 35ng/ml when last tested, it should be no less than 50ng/ml year round. Although some authorities on it say 90-100ng/ml is what we should aim for. I'm glad you're increasing the progesterone, but concerned you say you are 'taking' it. Oral progesterone is the least affective delivery system, as most is destroyed by the gut and liver, please see here. And here. I hope the oestrogen dominance passes soon! Take care, Wray

Jun 15, 2010
Hot Flashes
by: Anonymous

Thank you all for your replies. I think I will check Mary's Garden since my name is Mary. Blessings to you all also.

Jun 15, 2010
Estrogen Dominance
by: Deborah

Wray, I am taking the Natpro three times a day. Once 1/4 of a tsp in the morning and the same at lunch and at bedtime. I find that the anxiety is still there but I am thinking that it may be the Xanax side effects. I forgot to tell you that I was put on that after hyst. I want to try the L-Tryptophan as a way to get off of the Xanax. What is your take on doing that?

I have a lot of swelling in my ankles and I am wondering if I should try more than 200mg. I have a hard time knowing if I am getting the right dosage. I am still waking at night from 2-3am. Can I use the Natpro whenever I feel the panic attacks coming on?

Ohhh by the way are you going to come out with a book? I would love to get / have your info in a book to carry around.

Jun 19, 2010
Estrogen Dominance
by: Wray

Hi Deborah Well I'm relieved you're not 'taking' it! I thought you might have been on the oral variety. So you are currently using about 125mg/day, but still feel anxious, so maybe you do need to increase it. And as you say you forgot to tell me about the Xanax. It would be wonderful if you could wean off it, did you read our web page on Anxiety? And we also have a page on how to wean of AD's, please see here. Tryp is excellent stuff, I use it if I feel in need of a lift, and occasionally if I drink too much coffee and can't get to sleep! Inositol is good for depression too, so many things are, but it's all on the above web page. Please read the instructions for taking tryp, as it really does work better if these are followed. Swollen ankles can be caused by AD's, please see Medline. Or bad lymph drainage, in which case a massage therapist should be able to help. Progesterone is an excellent diuretic, so you could try rubbing some directly on your ankles and see if that helps. And as soon as you feel panicky please rub some cream on, best under your ears and all over your neck. The panic is caused by too much adrenaline pumping around, this can also be caused by a drop in blood sugar. Please avoid all grains and anything made from them and anything sweet, including sweet/starchy fruits and roots. How kind of you to want to carry round a book of mine! I feel as if I write a book each day answering so many queries! I desperately need to update all our web pages, some I wrote over 12 years ago and are so out of date now. Maybe one day! Take care Wray

Jul 01, 2010
by: Mary

My name is Mary and I am the first one to write and start this Fibro thing. I appreciate all the help and I have received my first order of Natpro and have ordered the tryptophan. My doc appt is end of month and I have my notes. I have come across something else. Spirulina. What do you think? Thanks.

Jul 02, 2010
by: Deborah

Mary so excited for you!! I have been on the Natpro for about a month now. I used two whole bottles and started to feel finally better. Now I am lowering the dosage to 200mg. Wray told me about Insoitol and I love It!! I only took 850mg so far but it really help with aches and pains and my panic and depression, on the first day. I was able to go out and mow two acres of farmland and go swimming that night. That is a first in 2 yrs for me.

I found this info for you on spirulina and kind of scary how there are more warnings than good results. I would look more into it Mary just to be on the safe side. Hope this helps!! Blessings

Uses based on scientific evidence Grade*

Allergic rhinitis (nasal allergies)
Anti-inflammatory properties of spirulina may improve certain aspects of nasal allergies. However, further high-quality studies are needed to confirm these findings. C

Arsenic poisoning
Spirulina extract plus zinc may be useful for the treatment of arsenic poisoning. Additional research is needed to confirm these findings. C

Preliminary study of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus reports that spirulina may reduce fasting blood sugar levels after two months of treatment. More research is needed before a firm conclusion can be drawn. C

Eye disorders (blepharospasm)
Super blue-green algae may decrease eye lid spasms but additional high-quality research is necessary to make a recommendation. C

High cholesterol
In animal studies, spirulina has been found to lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Preliminary poor-quality studies in humans suggest a similar effect. Better research is needed before a firm conclusion can be drawn. C

Spirulina has been studied as a food supplement in infant malnutrition but results have been mixed. More research is necessary in this area. C

Oral leukoplakia (pre-cancerous mouth lesions)
Preliminary research has not clearly shown benefits of spirulina in the treatment of oral leukoplakia. C

Weight loss
Spirulina is a popular therapy for weight loss and is sometimes marketed as a "vitamin enriched" appetite suppressant. However, little scientific information is available on the effect of spirulina on weight loss in humans. C

Chronic fatigue syndrome
There is currently inadequate evidence to recommend the use of spirulina in chronic fatigue syndrome. D

Chronic viral hepatitis
Preliminary study of spirulina for chronic viral hepatitis shows negative results. D

*Key to grades
A: Strong scientific evidence for this use;
B: Good scientific evidence for this use;
C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use;
D: Fair scientific evidence against this use;
F: Strong scientific evidence against this usets to regulate the safety of spirulina.

Jul 06, 2010
by: Wray

Hi Mary I do hope it helps, as it seems to have helped Deborah. I can't better Deborah's info on spirulina! Please let us know how you get on. Take care Wray

Jul 06, 2010
by: Wray

Hi Deborah I'm so happy things are at last coming right for you. So pleased you are using the inositol too, don't be worried to go higher, I take 4000mg/day. It helps to control insulin levels, helps hair growth, depression, OCD and more, wonderful stuff. Amazing you were able to do all that mowing, I'm so thrilled! Bless you for all the info you dig out too, you've done so much work on other pages too. Spirulina is beneficial, but I would not base too high a hope on it for the list of symptoms below, as the reports say in fact. Take care Wray

Jul 12, 2010
by: Mary

Maybe I am writing to soon. I don't know. I have been on Natpro and Wray, I used the product as you said. I am still having hot flashes. Maybe a little less intense. I am now taking it daily. I have also read where the pain patch can cause the flashes.

I just need a miracle. I am soooo sick of this. I have been sick for so long and just need a break.

Deborah, thanks so much for the info.

Jul 13, 2010
by: Mary

I am sorry for the misprint. I am taking one teaspoon daily.

Jul 18, 2010
by: Wray

Hi Mary I've found hot flushes need about 400mg/day for about 4-5 days. If you can please increase to this amount, once they've been helped you should reduce the amount. I know you said you were also getting the tryptophan, that also helps too. But please remember the nutrients do take time to help, progesterone can take 3 to 6 months in some. I hope there's resolution soon for you. Take care Wray

Aug 02, 2010
Test Results
by: Mary

I have the results of some tests I requested. My Vit D is good and my thyroid is good. Thyroid test was the detailed one not just a blood test. I have been taking the Natpro and the tryptophan for maybe a month. Doc appt today, put me on Klonopin for sleep. He was concerned about muscle being to tight and sleep being bad.
I have switched food to as much Organic as can.

Aug 04, 2010
Test Results
by: Wray

Hi Mary So pleased you had the tests done. I'm concerned when you say your D levels are good, as most labs are working on ranges out of the ark! The following are the new ranges, please have a look to see where you fall......
Sufficient - 50?100ng/ml or 125-250nmol/L
Hypovitaminosis - less than 30ng/ml or 75 nmol/L
Deficiency - less than 25ng/ml or 62.4nmol/L
The recommended daily dose is 5000iu's if levels are good, 10,000iu's if they are low. If your muscles are tight you could consider taking the amino acid taurine, about 2000-5000mg/day. It's a powerful antioxidant and the most important osmolyte in the body. A lack of taurine leads to muscles cramping or a tightness. So pleased you've switched to as much organic as you can. Take care Wray

Aug 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

The only thing I can tell by the report because my tech mails the results to my house. Anyway, the only thng I see is Vit d, 25 hydroxy 36.3ng/ml. The report also says recent studies consider the lower limit of 32.0 ng/ml threshold of optimal health.

Also my sed rate is saying High, 44mm/hr and I am on nothng from the doctors for that. Rheumtoid doc says one thing and sometimes family doc says something else. I am on no hormones beside the Progesterone and both said was fine but are wanting me to go back on hormone therapy. Thank you sooo much for your help. Mary.

Aug 12, 2010
Test Results
by: Wray

Hi Mary It's as I thought, recent studies actually show the level should be a minimum of 50ng/ml year round. So taking these readings you do lack vitamin D. I should have given you the following site for more info, it has the best info on vitamin D....Vitamin D council. The sed rate is a marker for inflammation, so it's understandable yours is high. But interestingly it's increased in dark skinned people, this points directly to a lack of vitamin D, as the darker the skin the longer one has to stay in the sun to get enough vitamin D. I really believe you need to get your vit D level up, into the 80-100ng/ml range. The sed rate indicates your erythrocytes are clumping together, because of the higher fibrinogen present due to inflammation. Progesterone prevents platelets aggregating, as it reduces thrombin by 10-15%. Please see this paper here. I don't know how much you are using now, but I feel it should be no less than 200mg/day for at least a month or two. And please increase your vit D level, consider taking 5000iu's per day. A lack of vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone. And finally please don't go on hormone therapy, if by that you mean synthetic oestrogen and progestin. Please have a look at our page on HRT. Take care Wray

Aug 22, 2010
by: Mary

I did not go on Hormone Therapy. I raised my D to 5000. The Progesterone I am taking is 400 for I think about 1 1/2months. Thank you so much for the inside info on things.

Aug 26, 2010
Test results
by: Wray

Hi Mary I'm relieved you didn't opt for HRT! You don't need as high a level as 400mg/day if you chose to use suppositories or a cream. Oral progesterone is the least affective delivery system, for more info please see our page on Progesterone application methods. And you say you'll use it for 1 1/2 months, whatever you do don't come off it cold turkey. Your symptoms will come back, rather reduce it very slowly till you find the optimum level. Take care Wray

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