Decade battle and at my wits end.
by Bonnie
(Rochester NY)
I have had bad PMS since puberty. Around 20yrs old ( I'm now 31) I started to have allot of edema and water retention. It first started just around my period. High times of stress or when i had caffeine then came off. Then it got to be all the time..was 18lbs of fluid with swollen ankles included... along with a list of other symptoms.
I have constant water retention in quads, butt, low abs, back sides, calves, ankles and triceps. Sometimes to a point i feel stiff and hurt. Headaches. Cant lose fat on legs or lower abs. My skin is dry and littered with acne.The acne is very small, non white head, along my chest, shoulders and sometimes neck. The body blemishes are almost rash like. Wrinkles that shouldn't be there. Hair shedding, breaking and very slow growth. I have depression, anxiety and mood swings with allot of frustration. My motivation and confidence is nil. I feel like i cant even feel joy. Libido is non existent and I don't seem to appear to be able to get moist down there.
I have been working with a hormone balancing doctor. She really hasn't been any help.
My last nesting in May I had low progesterone. High estrogen. Low free testosterone. Low DHEA. Low thyroid conversion. High SHBG. Low Pregnonalone. When i had my 24 hour cortisol saliva test done last year when I was really bad it was through the roof. Glucose challenge indicated insulin resistance. It has gone down since. and the symptoms have improved somewhat. I was a red hot mess barely working then. Now i can function but I feel like crap.
My diet is clean. gluten and grain free 5-6 days a week.90% whole foods and allot of fiber/veggies. I limit water due to the swelling and water retention. The only thing that seems to aid it is simple carbs and sometimes sugar but I limit those. I wish i could exercise, I used to love it. Now if i exercise i get the swelling very bad, headache and am in the worst mood on earth. I have broken out in tears on a treadmill before. So I stopped.
I've addressed adrenals for 2 years. Didn't work. Pregnonolone made me swell more. DHEA made me swell and almost lose it. I hide and mentally overcome the mood swings 98% of the time thank god. Its exhausting though. I've done alkaline, blood type, vitamin/mineral deficiency, enzyme therapy and cleanses. Even IV therapy with Vitamin/B complex. I've tried progesterone at 20mg no cycle before and it helped and reversed everything at first. Two weeks later I fell back. Anything new I try my body responds well then after a few days reverts back but the progesterone was longer.
I stopped then started at day 14 on 40mg of Serenity progesterone. My symptoms returned with a vengeance. I lost half my hair even in a weekend. I made it through to now my second cycle starting on day 10 and 40 mg progesterone. I read Dr John Lee's work. I am admittedly very scared to go over this amount. He said it would take up to 3 cycles to trudge through this mess. I however had read through your site and a few others that said in order to change serum progesterone levels, you need 60mg-200mg per day. I was wondering about going that high disrupting the negative feedback loop.
I was also wondering how the progesterone will effect the other hormones. What is the best OTC progesterone? I know itll balance out the estrogen. I am however wondering how to address the low testosterone, high SHBG, and low thyroid. I just dont want to make myself worse again.
Im addressing estrogen dominance by taking
Nolvadex 1ml day which is an estrogen receptor blocker
Progesterone cream 40mg
DIM Plus 2 tabs 3x daily
IC3 2 tabs 3 times daily
B Right complex by jarrow
OMega 3 fish oil
Milk thistle
D3 (10,000iu daily)
Metformin 500 mg time release
Testosterone cream from my compound pharmacy
I have no idea what is up/down. All I know is i want these symptoms to go away. I know its horrid to say but its true. My husband has been so wonderful through this. I want to see an end of this for myself and him. If you could help, I would be grateful beyond words.