
Cream strength query

by Angie Wehipeihana
(New Zealand)

Hi Wray, finaly found myself a doctor who was happy to prescribe progesterone cream. He wrote the script with a flourish asked me no questions as to why? when? or what?

I'm Furious with myself for letting him treat me with such indifference!!!It was my first visit so he knows nothing about me other than I'm type 1 diabetic on a insulin pump. I could have asked him for heroin and I think I would have got it! So so disapointed. He prescriped me 100mg progesterone cream in a 50gm jar but no clue as to dosage just says use daily. Is that a higher strength than Natpro? I'm certainly never going back, and will carry on purchasing from Natpro. Thanks for the chance to vent and hopefully no one else comes across him.

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Feb 22, 2011
Cream strength query
by: Wray

Hi Angie I do love your humour and I'm pleased you vented!! Unfortunately his attitude is so similar to those I've also experienced, first and second hand from other women who've written in. That, or scorn about it's benefits. And yet there are hundreds of studies done on it, in many different disciplines. From it's use in fertility treatments, to it's use in post natal depression, to large amounts given to traumatic brain injury victims, where it's given via IV transfusion. Mostly to men I might add, they have far more accidents than women! It's difficult to say if the cream you were prescribed is a higher strength than Natpro, 100mg is at the low end of the amount I recommend. I would need to know how much progesterone is in the jar to tell you. It should contain 1665mg progesterone to be the same strength. I do hope you've had your vitamin D levels checked as I asked you to, it's of such benefit in diabetes. Take care Wray

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