Confused & tired of living with hellacious symptoms
Nov. 2014 I have a supacervical hysterectomy. After that, my emotions changed. I became angry quicker. But my doctors would not listen. I was just told I was fine & was just stressed.
In July 2015, I went to the OBGYN who noticed my blood pressure was abnormally high (165/88 and usually its around 110/80). Two days later, while driving down the interstate, something happened that would alter me. My mouth, hands & feet became warm & tingly, I became extremely thirsty, I got a burning sensation in my chest, I became short of breath, my blood pressure & pulse shot up. After it started to drop I became shaky and extremely cold. From July - November, I would spend 6 months fighting doctors. Test after test after test came back "normal." "You're just stressed, here's some prozac" they would all say. My symptoms would happen at random. I could be as relaxed as could be and then bang, an episode would occur. I have seen two cardiologist, three internal medicine doctors and three obgyn's. Only one, a cardiologist agreed it was a hormone issue and not stress. I finally got tired of them telling me I was stressed and tried their prozac (10 mg) at the end of November. In all the test they did, they only found my A1C number to be sightly elevated (5.8 I believe). I was told it was not a concern and would not cause anxiety.
Finally in December I went to an integrative medicine doctor. She said she thought I had estrogen dominance. She put me on progesterone cream and started me on vitamin D. My vitamin D had been bouncing between low & borderline normal for 2 years. I started the progesterone cream. After 4 weeks, my symptoms diminished greatly. The episodes still happened, but I barely felt them. However, then she did a saliva test to prove we were on the right track. My cortisol level shows that it is high in the early morning. Likewise, my progesterone level was 2,397. That level scared me and I went back to my OBGYN, who told me to come off the progesterone. Now that I have stopped it, my symptoms are returning.
Please help! I am so confused. No one seems to know what is wrong with me and both sides (medical & holistic) seem to contradict each other. I just want to feel normal again and go the store without fearing an episode will happen.