
Breast tenderness worsening?

by Helene


Thanks for this site - it’s very hope-inducing.

I can see, that I’m not the first one to address this issue: A kind of paradoxical breast tenderness.

I have taken progesterone since sept. 2014. Initially I have been careful with the dosing amounts (20-40 mg) - and have had good results, even though many symptoms still remain. And of course I will now try to increase the dose - as recommended so much on this site - and see what happens. In general I feel pretty confident that I’m heading towards better times.

But! Something I have noticed - and wonder about - is that my breast tenderness have worsened, while everything else has improved. It just doesn’t make any sense to me. I know the breast tenderness is due to estrogen dominance, but when everything else has become better with progesterone, that must be a sign of the estrogen dominance fading, right?
Why is it specifically the breasts that react negatively? I’m thinking it must be something in relation to menstruation. But.. Arhh, what exactly?! :)

So - in short - I just wonder if there may be an explanation for the paradox that breast tenderness increases, while every other symptom is decreasing?

Best regards,

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Mar 19, 2015
Breast tenderness worsening?
by: Wray

Hi Helene I've found it's often the case, some symptoms get better, some worse when first starting progesterone, or increasing it. For you it was only one thing which worsened, i.e. the Breast Tenderness. For others it can be many symptoms worsen which we call Oestrogen Dominance We also have a page on Breast Cysts, which can be caused by excess oestrogen, but often it's a lack of iodine which causes them. It could be you need iodine, which the progesterone has highlighted, you could try this and see if it helps. Take care Wray

Jun 04, 2015
by: Helene

Hi all,

I just want to do an update on my situation, as I've always been grateful when others have taken their time to tell about improvements and not only problems. It's the succes stories we learn from, right? :)

The last few months after I wrote my breast tenderness has decreased considerably. There is still some, but not nearly as much as before. Also my period's regular and my ovulations are back. I think they came back around January - so I can that it seems to be a reliable change. I have now started to measure body temperature every morning to track my ovulations - I can really recommend this. It's a great tool! :)

I increased the amount of progesterone through March and April to around 80-100 mg pr day - and now in May and June I've tried to reduce it a bit again: I don't use it as many days as before, and mostly around 10-20 mg - 30 mg when symptoms flair up. This far, it works fine. And I must say - a don't believe in staying on the high amounts. My goal is to be off the progesterone as soon as my body can handle the production on it's own.

I had a saliva-test done in march on day 19 of my cycle, and my progesterone was extremely high, while my estradiol was actually normal. That was a bit surprising to me, as I still had symptoms back then. And I had without a doubt experienced improvements since I started using progesterone in september. I've been thinking it could be about low vitamin D - which I have - and that may be the reason that my body wasn't able to USE the high amounts of progesterone in my blood. Also I have adrenal fatigue which in it self has tons of symptoms - so it can be difficult to separate which is which.

I'll do a new saliva-test in august to see if the balance has improved. I'll return with an update then.

But all in all - I feel a lot better due to the progesterone - and the improvements has helped to reduce my stress-levels which is very important in adrenal fatigue. And the breast tenderness is almost gone.

Best wishes,

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