
bleeding after menopause (over 2yrs) used progest cream for 17 years

by anna

I wonder if anyone can advise me: I am 56 yrs old had my last period nearly 3 years ago November 13, but had what appeared to be period a couple of months ago, with all signs that it was hormonal, such as back ache, breast tenderness (severe) and even clear discharge I used to get with ovulation! I had a internal scan and sample taken from uterus but all came back ok, though they could not see my right ovary properly. The left had a small cyst but they did not seem overly concerned about either side as I think neither looked overly large. After the "all clear" from these examinations, I have had two more "periods" with similar symptoms, so not just bleeding. I have used progest hormone cream on and off since I was 39, and more recently since menopause consistently (about 1/4 - 1/2tsp once a day) as I suffer from fibroids though these have of course eased off now. I am concerned that this could be either a problem with my uterus or may be an ovary, or even that I should come off the progest cream after such a long time - can you advise please?

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