
Big menstrual blood clots etc..

by Tina
(Quebec Canada)


I'm 38 years old and I have 4 kids. Since a couple of months I have dull pain after ovulation on my left side around the ovary and this dull pain continues until periods starts. But the beginning of my periods are awful. Lower back soreness, blood clots bigger than quarters, very sore breast, bloating etc...have a good blood flow for 3 days and after everything slows down and stops after 5 days. The best part of my cycle" end of my periods until the next ovulation. Is it cysts, fibroids etc...Looking at the symptoms and I don't really have nothing in common with the symptoms... I have very stable cycle of 28 days. I'm am just wondering what's going on. I'm at the point that I don't want to ovulate anymore! Very painful ovulation by the way.. Can Natpro help me in all of this??

Sorry for my english...i'm french speaking!


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Jun 25, 2012
Big menstrual blood clots
by: Anonymous

Your English is very good by the way. I used to have very painful ovulations also. I am curious what Wray has to say about that. I also had very stable cycles of 30 days; until menopause and then they just quit. What is wonderful about a regular cycle; I never had to use birth control!

Jun 26, 2012
Big menstrual blood clots etc..
by: Wray

Hi Tina Your English is fine, if I could speak French that well I'd be very pleased! But unfortunately it really is school girl French. Ovulation pain is experienced by about 20% of women, but you say yours has only just started. It sounds more like a cyst than Fibroids to me, as you say it's on your left side, and it's only at ovulation that the pain occurs. Progesterone can help Ovarian Cysts if that's what it is. It can also help with those awful symptoms you get prior to bleeding. They are caused by progesterone withdrawal, leaving oestrogen dominant. From about age 35 we begin getting anovulatory cycles when no progesterone is made. This could account for the pain you get at ovulation and after. It would also account for the adverse symptoms you are now getting before bleeding. Oestrogen would be dominant throughout your luteal phase. It could be your corpus luteum is not producing sufficient progesterone too, this is also quite common. We have more info about this on our Pregnancy page under a defective luteal phase. So yes I do believe progesterone will help, but please use enough. All to often women are told to use too little and suffer for it. I comment about this on our page Progesterone Misconceptions. I recommend 100-200mg/day, but feel you will probably need at least 200mg/day to start with. It's best to start on a high amount, and reduce slowly over a few weeks, rather than low and work up. We also have more about Menstruation on this page. And please see our page on How to use progesterone cream. Continued below.

Jun 26, 2012
Big menstrual blood clots etc.. Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Tina Finally please have a vitamin D test done, it's low in most of us, but particularly in Canada, see here, here, here and here. Progesterone and Vitamin D work well together too. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml (175-250nmol/L) and not the 30ng/ml (75nmol/L) most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

Jun 27, 2012
Big menstrual blood clots etc...
by: Tina from Quebec!


Thanks for your comments and for your reply Wray! I really appreciate it...Here in Quebec we don't find very qualify professionals in natural progesterone cause here people don't even know what it is...can you imagine! To have natural progesterone we have to ordered online. I'm familiar with natural progesterone because we stayed 8 years in maine and I started studying to become a naturopath so...I learned quite a bit about it.
Just to add a little more detail on me, i'm an athlete\fitness professionals since many years and I train around 15-20 hours\week. Good food and supplements are part of my everyday life if I want to go through my trainings. Here's what I take in a daily basis: Multi-vitamins, omega 3, Udo oils in my protein shakes, supplements of magnesium (liquid form), ashwangandha, liquid chlorella in water, selenium, vit D 5000 IU per day, and just started 3 drops of iodine on my arms after reading that iodine is good for breast pain. Read allot of things on your site and everything is very well explained and interesting!

Have a part 2

Jun 27, 2012
Big menstrual blood clots Part 2
by: Tina from Quebec!

Hello again here's the part 2
About the ovulation pain, it has been part of my life since about 20 years now. And I have that 5-6 days of spotting before my periods since forever. So you are probably right on the defective luteal phase in my case and that's probably caused me a miscarriage before my 4th child. What is pretty new symptoms for me is: I have that dull pain continuing onto periods on the left side following the day of my ovulation. Just a come and go dull pain on the left side with sore breast and lower back ache on the left side too. When I jump in my trainings I have problem retaining pee because I feel a little more pressure on my bladder at that time. And the last period was a good volume of blood, passing huge blood clots for the first 2 days. Don't have blood clots very often usually. I have a very cyclic cycle. Day 13 or 14 ovulation, 14 days later period (spotting 5-6 days before)
So now I'm on day 7 of my cycle and I started Natpro yesterday. For now I use half a teaspoon twice a day. So that gives me around 166mg of progesterone\day. Is that enough? And I started the progesterone earlier in my cycle because I want to rest my ovaries for a couple of months and really don't want to have to feel my ovulation pain and the before symptoms and after symptoms for a while. Am I OK to do this? I won't lie that all those estrogen dominance symptoms scares me and presently I feel good mentally, physically, have no stress and don't feel any anxiety whatsoever in my body right now and I don't want to go through this. (had couple of post partum depression episodes in my past so I know quite a bit about it...) Would specific amino acids supplements would be a good thing for me like NAC, arginine etc..? Please feel free to correct anything you think that I'm not doing right or would be good for me. Don't forget that I sweat allot everyday. Another thing i'm cheese lover and god knows that we have great cheese here in Quebec and do you think I should stop all milk products?

Thank you for your time Wray!


Jun 28, 2012
Big menstrual blood clots
by: Wray

Hi Tina Ah the ovulation pain you have is called Mittelschmerz. Like I said about 20% of women can experience it, see here. But the dull ache you now have could be a cyst, there's no way of telling unless you have a scan. I'm pleased you're trying the iodine, it's often low. The drops will show if you do need it, or you could have a test done for levels. I'm glad you find the info on the site interesting, thanks! As soon as you said you had problems with your wee when jumping I wondered if you were taking too much calcium. Now you don't mention it as a supplement, but dairy does contain a lot, and very little magnesium. A higher ratio of calcium to magnesium can cause the bladder muscles to spasm. I wonder if it is all the cheese? You could try stopping dairy for a bit, or increase your magnesium, don't do both at once though, or you won't know which it is. Or you can increase the Mg if you find you miss the cheese too much! You do do a lot of exercise! This can deplete Mg too. You don't have any other adverse symptoms beyond the ovulation pain and dull ache, so I think the 166mg/day is a good start. See how you get on with it, and just keep a look out for any oestrogen dominance. I agree starting the progesterone a bit before ovulation is a good idea, let me know if it helps the pain. I also had PND too, so I agree with you, getting it again is not fun! But it's impossible at this stage to know if you get adverse symptoms. I'm such a believer in amino acids, I take a complex we make with all the major antioxidant aminos, plus all the B vits too, and a few other things. Keeps me going all day. NAC is the best, it's one amino I will never stop taking, see why here and here. It's such a powerful antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. Take care Wray

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