Hi Wray, I think I've just possibly had one of the worst weekends ever... I've lost 2 good friends as they can't cope with my reactions and anger anymore.
I've suffered with PMT then pmdd since i was 21, I'm now 37. My symptoms have ranged from severe to the point of passing out cramps, huge appetite and weight gain to mood swings that were off the spectrum. I've tried all sorts of contraceptive pills had investigative surgery etc to no avail. I have, under the direction of my GP, been using low dose fluoxetine for 7 years to try and manage my mood.
I started using Natpro 2 nearly 3 months ago following your instructions and armed with the knowledge that it may take 3 or more months before i saw any changes. The first month seemed to go fine, i managed to track my cycle to ovulation and began using the cream for 14 days. For the second month again tracked my cycle with ease and used the cream, however, began bleeding after only 2 days of cream use. So as advised I stopped the use and counted first day as day one....however i found the next cycle difficult to track, there have been no signs of ovulation so i haven't used the cream.... I'm confused.
My mood symptoms have definety increased over the last couple of months however this month (this weekend) has been particularly bad (hence loss of friends following a massive row and angry outburst from me). Is this because i haven't known when to start the cream and seemed to use so little last cycle? Is it possible to use the cream constantly for 3 months until my symptoms subside and then take only at ovulation or will this make things worse?
Also when can I stop taking fluoxetine? Again should this be once my symptoms of pmdd have disappeared? I desperately need to get sorted.
Comments for aaaargh im still lost n confused