Wray, need your help understanding this
by Temperi
Hi Wray, I read this response from someone in the health industry who seems to think progesterone or more specifically long-term progesterone use even for menopausal women is harmful. Much of what he said is completely and totally opposite from what Ive read here and experienced for myself.Hes no dummy,but I cant understand where hes getting this information from and if there is any validity to it. Im sure this is somewhat exhausting for you having to deal with posts like these but if you could take a minute to help clarify some of these issues and help put my mind at ease Id greatly appreciate it. Thanks!(:
"I always felt that the hormones drop naturally for a reason and messing with that is not a great idea in most cases. For example, the rise in progesterone then the sudden drop in younger women is what stimulates menstruation. After a certain age menstruation is not necessary.
There will be some situations where the hormones may need a little adjusting for various reasons though. For example if a person is exposed to stronger estrogens such as Premarin, which is 3,000 times stronger than the body's own estrogen or synthetic xenoestrogens that can be hundreds of times stronger. These can cause hormonal disruptions that may need to be addressed, but even at that progesterone replacement is rarely the best answer and definitely not the safest.
Promoters of progesterone cream have been very misleading.
To start with claiming or calling these progesterone creams "natural" or "bioidentical". These progesterone products are synthesized in the same manner as all other pharmaceutical progesterone by altering plant sterols. If they want to claim that this makes the creams natural because they start out from natural plant sterols before being altered then we could apply the same reasoning to petroleum plastics claiming they are natural since they started out as natural oil. Chemically altering the plant sterols means that they are no longer natural and therefore using the term "natural" is very misleading.
There is no proof that they are bioidentical either. Just because something has the same atoms this does not make it the same thing. Glucose, fructose and galactose for example all contain 6 carbon, 12 hydrogen atoms and 6 oxygen atoms (C6H12O6) yet they are all different sugars. Atomic arrangement and even bond angles can alter a molecule. We cannot see exactly where atoms are located in these molecules so there is no way to really claim they are bioidentical. Synthetic vitamin E for example is claimed to be bioidentical to its natural counterparts. Yet studies have shown that natural vitamin E is more effective than its synthetic counterpart. Obviously there is some differences even though they are claimed to be identical.
Side effects and safety are other areas the progesterone promoters are being very misleading about. Many of the side effects of progesterone they are blaming on estrogen. For example, they claim estrogen suppresses the libido, which in reality is just the opposite. Estrogen promotes receptivity. Progesterone kills the libido and on a subtle level makes women smell bad to men, Progesterone also causes depression, irritability, acne, hyperaggression, constipation, etc. It is the surge of progesterone before menstruation that causes PMS symptoms. Both estrogen and progesterone can cause weight gain and promote the risk of gallstone formation.. Both estrogen and progesterone also increase the risk of cancer by activating cancer viruses. Progesterone in particular activates cancer causing human papilloma viruses associated with cervical, vaginal, vulvar, breast, penile, prostate, ano-genital, skin, oropharynx, esophageal and laryngo- pharyngeal cancers.
Another issue I have with the administration of progesterone is the fact that this is being done without accurately determining progesterone levels. Testing is done through salivary testing, which DOES NOT accurately reflect progesterone levels. The reason why is because progesterone stores in the fat tissues. This is the reason women are told to apply the progesterone creams on fatty parts of the body in a rotating manner. The progesterone absorbs through the skin and deposits in the fat underneath the skin. The reason for the rotation is so that the progesterone does not build up to super high levels in the one area of the body from repeated application to the same location. If the progesterone went right in to the bloodstream where it was circulated then there would be no reason to rotate application sites. Since the progesterone gets stored in the body fat this means that most of it is not circulating and thus levels CANNOT be determined by saliva tests. The only way to determine actual progesterone levels in a tissue would be through biopsies of those tissues for testing, which is not feasible.
The progesterone is slowly released from the fat tissues in to the blood, and it is this small release of stored progesterone that is being detected in the saliva. Because progesterone is released so slowly the other problem is that with the regualr use of progesterone the levels can build up to excessively high levels that again cannot be detected. Women can literally end up with years worth of stores of progesterone in their fat tissue leading to all sorts of dangerous side effects."