
What is an optimal E2 level in the luteal phase if you are considering trying to get pregnant?

by Priyanka
(New York, NY)

Hi-I started taking DIM in the Fall when my E2 levels were too high and my PG levels low.

I added a progesterone cream recently and my PG is now 14 but my E2 is now 114.

I plan to continue on the progesterone cream but I don't want my E2 levels to go too low either.

Is 114 considered too low? I've noticed some hair thinning as my E2 levels have gone down! Not happy about that.

I tested on Day 20 of my cycle.

What are E2 levels supposed to be on Day 20 of your cycle if you're trying to get pregnant and don't want any of the negative symptoms of too low estrogen levels?

I know the ratio matters but I don't want to deal with low estrogen symptoms either.

Also wondering if I should replace the DIM with a broccoli sprout and/or calcium D glucarate supplement so the E2 doesn't get out of control again.

Any advice would be sooooooo appreciated! Thank you!

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Mar 02, 2022
What is an optimal E2 level in the luteal phase if you are considering trying to get pregnant?
by: Joy

Hi Priyanka

Please read the Hormone Testing page to get all the correct tests and what they should be.

Your progesterone:estrogen ratio is 123:1 it should be around 600:1, again this is explained on the Hormone Testing page. You need to use a lot more progesterone to get your level up. If you are TTC or plan to please read the Pregnancy page as well as the How to use Progesterone Cream page. Progesterone will also help to sustain a pregnancy.

If you find that find that DIM is not working for you, then try calcium D glucarate, many find that it gives better results. Don't take them both at once as some women do. How does one tell which is working?

Please make sure that your Vitamin D3 is optimal this is very important.

Mar 03, 2022
by: Priyanka

Hi Joy,

Thanks for the message.

I might try the Calcium D Glucarate.

How much would you recommend taking?

And are you supposed to take it daily or only during certain days of your cycle?

I get a period every 28 days. It's very regular.

Thank you,

Mar 04, 2022
What is an optimal E2 level in the luteal phase if you are considering trying to get pregnant?
by: Joy

Hi Priyanka

If you do try CdG, please report back how you feel and if it make a difference. Please follow the instructions given on the container.

You are fortunately to have a regular cycle, most don't.

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