

by RJ

Hope all is well Wray!! Update on me....cycles are off kilter again (dang PM) but I believe much lighter....still spot ever-so lightly for three or four days before a bleed and I cannot stand the puffiness feeling which I am supposing is still too much you agree? And can too much estrogen cause gum troubles? Normally, my teeth have been in good condition. They do not bleed are light pink, but in some areas now I'm having what I think looks like swelling but my husband says no, but they are so tender.

Anyway, I did get mom to finally go get blood work done for her hormone thought she was nuts to want it LOL. Tell me what you think:

Testosterone, Free LC-MS 3.0 --- 0.6-3.8 pg/mL
(I personally told her that sounds high to me but the doctor said it was okay)

Progesterone 0.1 ng/mL
Follicular phase 0.2 - 1.5 ng/mL
ovulation phase 0.8 - 3.0 ng/mL
Luteal phase 1.7 - 27.00 ng/mL
Postmenopause 0.1 - 0.8 ng/mL
(Again doctor said okay...I said too low)

Estradiol by TMS 11.5 pg/mL
Estrogens Total Calculation 45.7 pg/mL
Estrone by TMS 34.2 pg/mL
(my only comment to her was estrogen seemed higher than progesterone which may be the reason you're having all these troubles)

Other question is my son is 21 and I have made him start using 1/2 teaspoon a day for manboobs. He is not overweight, in fact, is in excellent shape except for those boobies. He has always had trouble with aggression, anger and just uptightness since, it seems, forever. I read your pages on aggression...does too much testosterone in a male convert to estrogen? Can a male make too much? Then my 26 year old daughter has been using the cream as you instruct for regular cycles, however, during her bleed she suffers from terrible nausea and I told her use the cream all the time. I don't understand if it is recommended for a male to use the cream daily, during any time of the day, why can't a female use it daily. Why do we need to stop using the cream two weeks out of the month? If a man's body makes 10 mg and a woman upwards to 20-40 mg a day then what would be the difference of daily usage? That's it for now! God Bless you Wray and keep all that information coming. It is helping so many....Oh even my father LOL. He is diabetic and has a very painful callus on the bottom of his foot...hard to walk. The foot doctor said you cannot use any over-the-counter meds because of the diabetic state and all you can really use is Crisco shortening and then put a sock over it. Didn't help. I put the cream in a little bottle and said try it. Of course, he wanted to know what it was and I wouldn't tell him because he is of old school and progesterone is not in a man..within two days he came to me and said I ran out yesterday and it was helping do you have some more because the pain has come back. Gave him a little more and he went right in and put it on. Came back to me and said is that stuff some miracle cure cause my pain is gone. While he was standing there I noticed he had a cut on his hand...he bleeds terribly with the blood thinners he is on....I told him go put some of the cream on that and watch what happens. He couldn't believe it, the blood had slowed down considerably and within a few minutes it had stopped completely with no need of replacing bandaids as he usually has to do!!! He'll be purchasing once his check gets here. Oh other 15 year old is an outdoor lover and chiggers love him. He had a terrible one the other night, in fact, his father and I thought it might be a brown recluse spider bite. Off I went, got my tube and put it on the site. I watched it through the night and it expelled a bunch of liquid, bled and then closed up. All healed except for the red tinge of the skin. Again, God Bless you Wray, set aside the progesterone, you are filled with a wealth of information!

Comments for Update

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Jun 25, 2012
on your update
by: Anonymous

I love your story. My family thinks I am crazy because I always want to put progesterone on their sores!! I love it when I am sore from running and I put progesterone on the sore muscle or joint - and bingo... all better.

Jun 26, 2012
by: Wray

Hi RJ Good to hear from you again. As for PM, all I can say is thank heavens it's over! Puffiness could be too much oestrogen, or you are producing too much aldosterone, which also causes water retention. Contrary to what we're told, you could be lacking salt too, so you could try increasing your intake or take 1/4tsp in some water before bed and see if that helps you, see here. Oestrogen is inflammatory, but I've not got any studies showing it adversely affects gums. You could try rubbing some cream on your gums! It is edible but verrrry bitter. Well I would agree with you about the free testosterone, see our page on Hormone Testing. The problem with these tests is they might show 'normal' ranges, but they can't tell how we feel. And ratios are rarely looked at. So I agree her progesterone is low, but of course it 'should' be by any standard reference, she's in menopause. So if we take her progesterone to oestradiol ratio it's 8.7:1. If we take her progesterone to oestrone ratio it's 2.9:1. Whichever way you look at it, if that were me I'd be a basket case! Testosterone does convert to oestrogen in both sexes. In fact something little known to most women we actually make more testosterone each month, than oestrogen. But luckily most of it is converted by the enzyme aromatase to oestrogen. This same enzyme does the conversion in men too. It's usually only a problem in older men, when the conversion speeds up. And too much testosterone, yes I believe so! Did I give you our page on Man Boobs too? Continued below.

Jun 26, 2012
Update Part 2
by: Wray

Hi RJ The only reason we use it as we do is to mimic our cycle. We only make progesterone during our luteal phase, well that's not strictly true, as we make it all the time, but in small amounts in our brains and adrenals. In fact the same amounts as men make. But during the luteal phase we make a surge of progesterone, this is what we're supplementing as it's often too low. Men don't have this on/off cycle as we do. Your daughter could try using progesterone for 2-3 months during any bleeding too. Then once she feels stable, she could begin following her cycle again. Please give her the link to our page on How to use progesterone cream for info about this. I have found for severe nausea that's already started, at least 330mg/day is needed, less for prevention. What lovely heart warming stories!!! Please keep them coming! You're like me, and a friend of mine too, the tube comes out the moment someone is in need. In fact she's far braver than me, she'll use it on complete strangers in need! In a dentist's rooms, in a shopping mall, at a restaurant, her tales are often hilarious and some very heart warming too. Take care Wray

Jun 27, 2012
by: RJ

Wray, I am so confused with the ratios. I have read the Hormone testing page and I understand we divide the progesterone into the your example states 20:1 does that mean there is 20 times more estrogen to if that's the case then why to feel good do we need 600:1. So the next question is if moms not making progesterone any longer how can she ever derive the 600:1 ratio. So her results are indicating too much estrogen to progesterone, which means she has outside sources increases the estrogen. What is the level of estrogen to be just to indicate we are there such a thing or are all other hormones factored in to that percentage. In other words what percentage of estrogen indicates the fetus is female. My mind tells me if I subtract that percentage out of her results then that leaves the bad estrogen...I know sounds's just a theory to prove to her that over-and-above the fact she is female she is getting too much estrogen from somewhere and it's causing her troubles. She has had her thyroid out for 1 1/2 years now and they still cannot get her regulated. TSH was 1.76 and T4 -0.01 (zillcho)...we have no idea why they didn't take a T3 and yet they still keep pushing the Synthroid instead of looking for the root of the problem (doesn't surprise me). Her D was down and she's taking 5,000 a day and I have been giving her a B-complex, which contains 100 mg of each B. She says she cannot have magnesium due to the cancer apparently. Now she has this large band of water retention just around her ankles, as though she has a workout weight band on them and last night she was able to pull out a handfull of hair. Her immuglobulin results were at 34 three weeks ago and yesterday were at 25. So something is going on. Since she is getting no relief from the doctors she is beginning to do as I am suggesting, which I am so grateful for. I'll get her well yet! God Bless!

Jun 29, 2012
by: Wray

Hi RJ No you divide the oestrogen into the progesterone to get the ratio. The 20:1 means that there is 20ng progesterone to 1ng of oestrogen. The info on the site says…… 'just divide the oestrogen result into the progesterone result'. The only way your mum could increase her progesterone is by supplementing with a cream etc. So yes her results suggest she has too much oestrogen to progesterone. There would be outside sources, ie in her food or skin care, but most of it is coming from her own fat cells, these secrete oestrogen till we die. The page on hormone testing gives an idea of how much oestrogen is found. The lsit is too long to copy and paste it here, the amount varies so much dependant on what phase of our lives we are in. Also what phase of our cycle if we have one. Menopausal women range from 0-30pg/ml. The amount of oestrogen in a foetus is negligible, other factors play a role in whether we are female or male. The main being a male foetus has an XY chromosome, the female XX. Oestrogen and testosterone only begin rising at puberty when they cause the secondary sexual characteristics to develop, ie breasts, hips, a deeper voice, hair on the face etc. I've never heard of not being able to take magnesium if someone had cancer. If this is the case she should stop eating all green leafy veggies, dairy, although it contains little, meat, fish, in fact she should stop eating! Magnesium is the most important co-factor for vitamin D, too little and calcium is deposited in soft tissues, including the arteries. Did anyone check her vitamin K level? As this is also needed to prevent calcium depositing in arteries, it's also a co-factor for vitamin D, and anti-cancerous too. If her D was down, please get another check soon, as the 5000iu's could be too little. she might need 10,000iu's to get it up quickly. Unless her thyroid was cancerous, why take it out?! They really need to do a T3 as you say, synthroid is nothing but T4 and is evidently not working. I do hope you get her right too. Take care Wray

Jul 10, 2012
by: RJ

Wray, I am absolutely miserable. So, last two months have been okay with cycles...a bit of spotting, but other than that they were what I'd considered norm. This month comes and all the demons have gone with an all out invasion of my body. Just confused, I guess and still have the lingering worry of the "cancer" the nurse used. I know PM causes so much and when one has never gone though it all we have for reassurance is the plight of others. Around the 16th of the month I started to spot ever so lightly. Almost needed a magnifying glass to determine it was blood. Had no pains or discomforts and by the 25th the flow began. It was what I consider very light, not many clots, but I have also been on the NAC 650mg a day. I thought okay this is cool I can handle this. It took the first three days to finally have a heavy flow that I used to have on the second day of my cycles. By day 5-6 I'm flowing like I should be on day 2-3. Day 8-9 slows down to a very light flow and day 10-11 it revved back up and started to flow again to which I am still doing 15. On day 10 I started to have discomfort...cramping, low back backs, headache and breast tenderness and serious fatigue. So, for the last three months I have been doing anywhere from 180 to 260mg of cream a day but with this cycle, once my son gave me some of his cream, I upped it to 400mg yesterday and also upped my NAC to 1300mg a day ( I know you said 2,000 but I'm going slow cause it does upset the intestines a bit). How can I still be estrogen dominant when I've been using the cream for three months, yet I keep having the symptoms or could it be it's too much progesterone. After I first put on the cream I still feel the calming effect, but now I get extremely hot and headaches with some dizziness, off balance effects. Then after about an hour it subsides. I used the cream at 9 this morning and it's now 1 in the afternoon and I am feeling off balance again and started sweating with a hot flash. I feel like I have electrical current going through me...a buzzing sort of feeling. Is that all estrogen? Geez what an ordeal. If I had the insurance I would go to the doctor and have the scan done, but I don't and I guess if I knew this bleeding isn't related to anything serious I would just deal with it...but then on the other hand can our bodies be subjected to light to medium bleeding for so long out of the month? I have been breaking the dosage up 1 tsp 9, 3 and 10 o'clock everyday. I know you say PM makes everything erratic but does that also include bleeding for so long? Is it considered normal through this horrible phase of our lives? God bless you Wray and we'll talk soon!

Jul 12, 2012
by: Wray

Hi RJ P-M is the worst, it's not something I'd wish on anyone. I wish you weren't having such a tough time. Do try to increase the NAC, I know it can upset the tummy, but it really seems to be the only thing which works. Plus upping the progesterone as you have also helps. I can't tell how long this will all last. Some women have found the NAC works within days to stop the bleeding, but their tummy's weren't as sensitive as yours, so they used the full dose immediately. Please try using the progesterone hourly, this might prevent any symptoms arising. Let me know if this does help you. Rub the cream around your neck and under your ears if you feel a headache or Hot Flush coming. Please don't let that nurse's words worry you, it was a shocking thing to say. Unfortunately it can take longer than 3 months to settle down, there are some who find it lasts 6, one woman was battling for a year. I can't remember if I ever gave you these comments here, here, here or here for encouragement. Please read through them, you might get some tips. And yes bleeding is not only erratic in P-M, but it can be very heavy and continual, or spotting, or both, or any other combo you can think of! We have more info about the cycle on our Menstruation page. Try using the high amount of progesterone for a bit, you can always reduce it whenever you feel ready. It's impossible for me to know how anyone will react to it, how much they need etc, impossible for the women too. Let me know how you get on. Take care Wray

Jul 25, 2012
by: RJ

Hi Wray,
Okay I have been on 2,000 mg of NAC since your last response. I finally quit spotting for about 5 or 6 days and then the spotting came again with mild cramping and has continued since. Worse in the morning and late afternoon. The cramping moves from side to side. It normally feels like a pulled muscle and I have to move a certain way to stop the sensation. Normally, that was what I used to feel when I ovulated. I always was able to tell which side was releasing each month. Now I feel that all the time from both sides. I have been taking my temperature for the last few days and it averages around 97.5. Today has been the highest 98.4 and the spotting was heavier. Can it just be that's my chemistry or is it indicating low progesterone, which I am still on about 410 mg a day? Do other woman spot like this? Most I read about just have long periods and then they stop for however many days and then start back up again. Is my case of spotting as I have read your other responses....low progesterone. I guess my question is do I stock up on the cream to increase it beyond 400 mg a day or is this just the way it's going to be and increasing won't help. Then if that's the case I guess I could go back down the the 200 mg a day. I read your response of progesterone being converted to estrogen and I'm wondering if there is a chance I still don't have enough progesterone at 400 mg and all that's happening is I'm increasing the estrogen and testosterone receptors and that's the cause of the spotting. God Bless you again Wray, you are so informative and helpful.

Jul 26, 2012
by: Wray

Hi RJ Well I'm pleased the spotting did stop for a bit, but not that it's started again! I really don't think you need to increase the progesterone, I'd rather you increased the NAC and see if that helps. Did I give you that page about Annie's troubles? In case not I'll give it here, she increased the NAC and it helped. Thanks for reading that page, it was quite a mouthful! The amount of progesterone you're using would be more than enough to prevent any conversions. Progesterone is thermogenic, i.e. it raises temps, maybe you used a bit more that day which could account for the higher temp. I really wish we could get to the bottom of your problems, I've run out of ideas! Normally women respond to the NAC if the high amount of progesterone isn't helping enough. It does suppress the MMPs which break down the lining, so should help you. I take it all your other symptoms have gone, or are going? If so try reducing the progesterone by tiny amounts each reduction, and see if that helps. If it doesn't you'll have to try the reverse and go higher. But let's see how you do on the reduction first. Take care Wray

Jul 26, 2012
by: RJ

Hi Wray,
Most of my symptoms are gone. Breasts still tender, headaches gone, water retention isn't as bad, fatigue not so terrible, night sweats every now and then, still irritable at times and foggy minded at times and the lower back hurts, but I have been doing a lot of strenuous work, I also can't seem to get rid of the body odor, which was always an indication for me right at the time I was going to start. A day or two after I'd start it would leave, now it's here all the time. Still dealing with hair on the upper lip and chin, which isn't as bad, but no heavy hair growth anywhere else and I'm not losing hair from my head. God blessed me with a ton of thick hair. I do get that flutteriness in the chest that I read some women get. In fact, last year I went to the emergency room because I thought I was having a heart attack and everything came back good and I started my period the next day. They put me on atenolol/chlorathiazide (sic) once a day, which I still take. Now it's just these cramps, kinda like very very mild contractions, which sometimes I think is radiating from the low back pain and this spotting. If I went to the doctor what would they do to stop the spotting, as I've never had this type of problem. I had light spotting years ago after a period and he put me on a low dose of BCP (which made me very sick), diflucan and Monistat and that solved it until now. Could they prescribe bioidentical hormone therapy that would stop it? My mother was put into menopause in her early 60's and I keep thinking I'm too young for this to all be going on. I have tons of stress and I'm pretty overweight, but Wray I had all that when I was having regular cycles. I'm just a mess. I take tons of supplements and am trying to cut out everything but proteins, vegs and fruits. My sugar substitute has been Stevia for a long time, but I've always battled the weight.. since childhood. I suppose I should go see a different doctor to get some input, but that one may be a quack too providing no help whatsoever, which puts me right back where I am today. Are hormones that sensitive to cause a person to bleed, then stop and then spot and then start the whole process again in less than 30 days? I will increase the NAC to 2650 a day and see if that helps after a few days and then make some decisions. God Bless Wray.

Jul 26, 2012
by: RJ

Wray, I just read Annie's pages and it's almost like mine, except I do not have the heavy bleeding that continues on. But you watch now that I've said that it'll happen...murphy's law. Only about three days during my period and then it lightens up and goes to spotting. I truly belive the NAC has made my periods lighter...but now I don't know when I'm having a period or not. It's so off whack I can't tell anymore. Does heavy bleeding always come with fibroids and pcos? Gosh maybe I have both without the heavy bleeding, but can those things come out of the blue quickly and throw the cycle off so drastically or do they gradually come you warnings that something is going wrong? I am sorry I keep rattling. I'll get it figured out...eventually. Does exercising help..even just walking? Never exercised much in my life but now may be a good time to start, huh? lol Maybe I'm on too many supplements..but most of them are all of them you have suggested, plus some to help the heart out. I probably take about 15-20 different ones a day. Okay I'll be quiet now and see if you have any thoughts. If you don't I understand. As you told Annie, all she can do now is wait and let time take it's course. We are an impatient generation and we want results yesterday...some days I'm no different. God bless and have a good evening!

Jul 31, 2012
by: Wray

Hi RJ Well you have given me a lot of info. I'm relieved some things have been helped, and that you're not growing hair where you don't need it and loosing it from where you want it! But it does sound as it you still have slight excess testosterone in your system. Do try to avoid the very starchy veggies and fruit, they contain too much sugar. If bound to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) testosterone becomes inactive, progesterone raises levels of SHBG, see here, so preventing the rise of free testosterone. SHBG drops if sugars are eaten, even those found in all grains, legumes, dairy and sweet starchy fruits and vegetables. Fructose, sucrose and glucose, reduce SHBG by 80, 50 and 40% respectively, see here. It's best to avoid all the foods and sugars mentioned. Something most of us are not aware of, we make more testosterone each month than oestrogen. Most of it is converted to oestrogen, but if there's excess testosterone it means there's going to be excess oestrogen, and our food can do that to us. That's typical, to give you a drug when there's nothing wrong with your heart! The flutteriness is due to progesterone withdrawal, i.e. not enough progesterone in ratio to oestrogen. Many women get this at ovulation too, in fact palpitations, arrhythmias, panic attacks, seizures, asthma attacks and more can all occur then, and just prior to when we start bleeding. And it's nothing more than an imbalanced ratio. Oestrogen causes prolongation of the QT interval, which results in palpitations, arrhythmia and Torsades de Pointes. Whereas progesterone shortens the QT interval, see here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Continued below.

Jul 31, 2012
Update Part 2
by: Wray

Hi RJ The only bio-hormone that can stop bleeding is progesterone. By giving oestrogen too, which is often the case, it merely adds to the problem, as it builds up more lining. The early 60's is very late for menopause! The average age is about 51. Stress does cause us havoc, we do have a calming complex, but it's not on our web site yet. If you should be interested in taking it, let me know and I can put you in touch with a distributor who stocks it. It also sounds as if you have Insulin Resistance, I can't remember if we've discussed this before. But please read through this page and see if it rings any bells. PCOS and Fibroids can't come out of the blue, so I don't think you need to add those to your worries! Take care Wray

Jul 31, 2012
by: RJ

Hi Wray,
So, in a nutshell the doctor would tell me the same thing I am figuring out right now, the progesterone is not stopping the spotting and there isn't anything else he/she could do for me, other than taking the uterus out which isn't a consideration at this point. Which means I live with it and hope I don't get anemic lol. What a pain. But I will say I would rather deal with spotting than some of the other negative things I have been having through this transition. I would be interested in the Calming supplement. I'll see if it has any of the things I have been taking. As I read your pages to others with similar problems as mine, if I feel it will help, I buy the supplement you recommend to that person to take. I may be taking those supplements right now, per your recommendation to someone else. The other question I have, you want me to decrease the cream. At what level am I decreasing. I was at 420 and am slowly coming down and today I am at 350 mg per day. I did start a regular period three days ago...surprise, surprise! And yesterday I forgot my afternoon dose and by late last night I was I hurried up and put my afternoon and nightly dose on. Then after I get down to the dose you are suggesting do I use the cream every day without a break? The cream is definitely keeping the blood loss down as well as the clots, I just wish it would stop the spotting and duration...maybe decreasing will. Time will tell. God Bless Wray and take care!

Aug 01, 2012
by: Wray

Hi RJ Yes you are right, except most doctors would offer you a contraceptive pill to stop the bleeding! I don't think it will go on forever. Please explain something for me, you say you had a regular period and were surprised by it. Are you not having periods at all, are you just spotting? I suggested you tried reducing to see if that helps. But one thing is now very obvious, by forgetting your afternoon application you started flooding that night. This only means the progesterone is working. Did the application stop it? Are you only using the cream twice a day? I'm going to ask you to try using it hourly, or have you tried that already? It could be the gap between applications is too long, and you get the breakthrough bleeding because the progesterone level is dropping. Please try this and see if it helps. Otherwise I'm going to ask you to go really high, i.e. 500mg/day or more and see if that stops it, and reduce from there. But I'd like to see if the hourly applications work on the amount you are using now. I'm only in favour of high amounts initially then reducing as soon as possible. There's no point is using more than is needed. Let me have your thoughts on this. Bless you too, take care Wray

Aug 02, 2012
by: RJ

Hi Wray,
I have been spotting up until several days ago and on that day the flow started where I needed to wear a pad and it got heavy with some light clotting, indicating to me that I was having a regular period. (Before all this out of whack stuff began my periods used to come around the end of each month.) I have been having a semi-heavy flow since around July 29th. When I missed that afternoon application it did not stop the flow, because I believe it was what I would call a period. In fact, I have noticed that when I put the cream on the flow gets extremely heavy for a few hours afterwards. Don't know if it's related or not, but last night throughout the night I was still flowing semi-heavy, so this morning I decided not to put any cream on and see what happens and the flow has come down considerably with no clots. But, if my memory serves me right I have been spotting and flowing with what I call a period, for over a month with no break and that was at the 420 mg a day. We tried the hourly applications, I believe that was last month....with no success, that's when I decided to increase it so high. Ironically, I had to go to the doctor today for a refill on the blood pressure medicine and my temperature was 99.1, which it has been running 97.5 for the last week and my blood pressure was 140/90, which on the medication is never that high. My GP is a quack, unfortunately, and I told him my hormones were off whack again with my temp and BP at those numbers and he looked at me like I was nuts. So something is off with these hormones. Continued

Aug 02, 2012
by: RJ

Continued-- What is making me bleed with a period, estrogen or progesterone? I know spotting is a lack of what finally made the period come on after all the spotting? You know when all of this started to happen and I first contacted you I had lost my first dog six months prior to lymphoma and six months after that, January, 2012, I lost my second dog to bone cancer. It was a terrible time for me, still is, and it was in January/February that the cycle went haywire. Could it just have been a fluke because of that trauma and my hormones are really okay and instead of using the cream everyday I should just use it like my daughter does, ovulation to start of period. I just keep thinking I'm too young to start this change. I can't say I really had too many troubles before January 2012 other than my periods coming a few days earlier each month and the duration lasting 8-9days with some heavy clots. Those were things I just became accustom to over the years, but nothing like some of the stories I read others telling you. I don't soak a pad every hour or so or have to stay in bed or take pain medication for many days because of the cramping. So, I really don't know what I should do. Should I just stop it cold turkey as though I am following my cycle and start it back up again in the next 9 days or go up to the 500 mg and start that today and do it hourly? Let me know what your thoughts are...I felt I needed to let you know how the flow stopped when I didn't use the cream this morning, in case it helped you come to a conclusion. God Bless Wray!

Aug 16, 2012
by: Wray

Hi RJ So sorry about this late reply, I went to a remote area where there was no internet access. I always take my computer, but in this case it was of no use! I didn't realise you had had that trauma of loosing two dogs so close to each other. And yes it would have made your cycle go haywire, any great stress does. In fact it can stop ovulation entirely, so progesterone levels drop sharply. Although this paper is about pregnancy, it gives you an idea of what stress does to progesterone levels, see here. I think this must have occurred with you, so your idea of trying to follow your cycle again is a good one. I think it would be better to reduce the amount you're using for a cycle or two before stopping. I'm concerned the amount you're using might trigger cold turkey symptoms, unless you're happy to experiment with this and just stop the progesterone when your next cycle occurs. Do let me know what you decide. Bless you too! Take care Wray

Aug 17, 2012
by: RJ

Wray, there are days I do wish I could go to a remote place and the world be a better place when I come back. LOL Okay this is what I did. I went up to the 500 mg and applied every hour. The bleeding stopped in two days. So I continued, but then my daughter was put into the hospital for seven days for severe anemia (6.8 hemoglobin) and severe stomach ulcers and due to that scare applying cream every day much less every hour was the last thing on my mind. Ironically, I did not bleed or spot at all until three days into her hospital stay and I started to spot and I thought oh no you don't, I'm not having this on top of everything else too. So I began using it every two to three hours and the spotting quit. So, is it the 500 mg or the hourly application...who knows. Right now I am just playing it by ear. My cycle starts at the end of the month and I really do not want to stop for the cycle as I know it will set me back yet again. So, I believe what I'll do is keep decreasing the dosage until I start to spot and that would be my indicator of how much I need to use to keep it under control. I'll do that all through the month until the period starts and then I'll lower it to maybe 150-200 a day and after day seven of the period increase it back up to the amount I have determined will quit the bleeding/spotting. Most of all what I have figured out is that if this was a serious problem I would bleed all the time with pain and no amount of cream would stop it. For now I'll try that, but priority is my daughter. So, as all we mothers do, we put ourselves on hold to take care of our loved ones. One day time will allow for me. God bless Wray and hopefully in a couple months I can report good news on these cycles!

Aug 21, 2012
by: Wray

Hi RJ You poor thing, that's the last thing you need! I do hope she's getting better. Please get her on to glutamine, it's so good for ulcers. The enterocytes use glutamine for both energy and repair, they can't use anything else. I once helped a young man of 18 who was on ulcer meds. 1 kg of glutamine and 3 months later, he was fine, no ulcer. He would insist on eating bread and drinking beer, but learnt it's not good for him. I'm delighted you've found a protocol which is helping you, it is so hit and miss, I wish it wasn't, would make my life easier! I think both the high amount and using it hourly has done the trick. Although progesterone begins dropping after about 13 hrs, any slight stress would cause a drop, so I find hourly is so good if this occurs. Do let me know how you get on, and your daughter too. Take care, bless you too, Wray

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