by RJ
Hope all is well Wray!! Update on me....cycles are off kilter again (dang PM) but I believe much lighter....still spot ever-so lightly for three or four days before a bleed and I cannot stand the puffiness feeling which I am supposing is still too much estrogen...do you agree? And can too much estrogen cause gum troubles? Normally, my teeth have been in good condition. They do not bleed are light pink, but in some areas now I'm having what I think looks like swelling but my husband says no, but they are so tender.
Anyway, I did get mom to finally go get blood work done for her hormone levels...doctor thought she was nuts to want it LOL. Tell me what you think:
Testosterone, Free LC-MS 3.0 --- 0.6-3.8 pg/mL
(I personally told her that sounds high to me but the doctor said it was okay)
Progesterone 0.1 ng/mL
Follicular phase 0.2 - 1.5 ng/mL
ovulation phase 0.8 - 3.0 ng/mL
Luteal phase 1.7 - 27.00 ng/mL
Postmenopause 0.1 - 0.8 ng/mL
(Again doctor said okay...I said too low)
Estradiol by TMS 11.5 pg/mL
Estrogens Total Calculation 45.7 pg/mL
Estrone by TMS 34.2 pg/mL
(my only comment to her was estrogen seemed higher than progesterone which may be the reason you're having all these troubles)
Other question is my son is 21 and I have made him start using 1/2 teaspoon a day for manboobs. He is not overweight, in fact, is in excellent shape except for those boobies. He has always had trouble with aggression, anger and just uptightness since, it seems, forever. I read your pages on aggression...does too much testosterone in a male convert to estrogen? Can a male make too much? Then my 26 year old daughter has been using the cream as you instruct for regular cycles, however, during her bleed she suffers from terrible nausea and I told her use the cream all the time. I don't understand if it is recommended for a male to use the cream daily, during any time of the day, why can't a female use it daily. Why do we need to stop using the cream two weeks out of the month? If a man's body makes 10 mg and a woman upwards to 20-40 mg a day then what would be the difference of daily usage? That's it for now! God Bless you Wray and keep all that information coming. It is helping so many....Oh even my father LOL. He is diabetic and has a very painful callus on the bottom of his foot...hard to walk. The foot doctor said you cannot use any over-the-counter meds because of the diabetic state and all you can really use is Crisco shortening and then put a sock over it. Didn't help. I put the cream in a little bottle and said try it. Of course, he wanted to know what it was and I wouldn't tell him because he is of old school and progesterone is not in a man..within two days he came to me and said I ran out yesterday and it was helping do you have some more because the pain has come back. Gave him a little more and he went right in and put it on. Came back to me and said is that stuff some miracle cure cause my pain is gone. While he was standing there I noticed he had a cut on his hand...he bleeds terribly with the blood thinners he is on....I told him go put some of the cream on that and watch what happens. He couldn't believe it, the blood had slowed down considerably and within a few minutes it had stopped completely with no need of replacing bandaids as he usually has to do!!! He'll be purchasing once his check gets here. Oh other story..my 15 year old is an outdoor lover and chiggers love him. He had a terrible one the other night, in fact, his father and I thought it might be a brown recluse spider bite. Off I went, got my tube and put it on the site. I watched it through the night and it expelled a bunch of liquid, bled and then closed up. All healed except for the red tinge of the skin. Again, God Bless you Wray, set aside the progesterone, you are filled with a wealth of information!