
Thank You Wray

by Joy

Hi Wray

I know that I speak for so many people who visit your website daily, but I just want to take this opportunity of saying a very BIG thank you for all that you have done for so many appreciative people all over the world. Your time, efforts and dedication spent on your amazing website has helped countless people, some have found themselves in a really 'dark' place. You have given them hope again when they couldn't find help elsewhere.

Enjoy your well deserved break and please listen to your family and friends as we all need you!!

With love and appreciation.

Comments for Thank You Wray

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Jan 06, 2014
by: Laura

This is a heart felt message to a very unique lady, that has given me back my life! I have just enjoyed my first christmas for years and am so excited for the new year!!!! this is all thanks to Wray and her fantastic cream and website. Sending all my love and best wishes, take care of yourself.
Laura xx

Jan 06, 2014
Thank you Wray
by: Carol K

I have to agree with Joy and join her in thanking Wray for all the wonderful selfless work she has done over the years. It takes so much out of you to be constantly giving and not thinking of yourself, as Wray has done. People who have been visiting this site for awhile will know that Natpro is a business, however Wray has taken it one step further and tried to help everyone who contacted her, even those who didn't use her product. So, to Wray, have a good break and thank you once again.

Jan 06, 2014
Singing your praises!
by: Kaylana

Thank you Wray!!!

You have saved my life by helping me give birth to another. Baby Rachab is a dream come true. Her smile brightens my darkest days. Her laugh picks me out of the deepest moods. Oh, what joy she brings!

And she wouldn't be here if it weren't for your outstanding work on this site. Your help pulled me through, providing me with the knowledge to move forward and not admit defeat. Thank you, thank you!!

May you find your time off relaxing and refreshing. Remember, when taking off in the airplane, who do they say to take care of first? Yourself!

Blessings on you!
Kaylana in Latvia

Jan 06, 2014
thank you!!!!
by: Margit

Dear Wray,

I can only contribute with all my heart to what joy wrote about you!!!!!
you were part of my personal healing,, your wealth of knowledge, your compassion,,, you are a pure being of love and dont you ever forget that!!!
please take time now for you, and you only!!
i hope i will see you soon!
with love ,

Jan 06, 2014
by: Liesje

I was just thinking today about how much advice and information I've found on this site and how grateful I am for it. There's so much conflicting information out there and I can honestly say this is the best site on anything to do with hormones and health in general, especially for women.

I think the energy and commitment you've shown Wray is extraordinary. Sometimes people with a big heart that want to help others, forget to take care of themselves. So make sure you take good care of yourself Wray and I hope you feel better soon.

Much Love,


Jan 06, 2014
Thank You Wray
by: RJ

You do know a walk in the sand, along a nice beach makes the soles of ones' feet so very smooth...then along with the rays of sunshine, giving one the natural form of vitamin D is doubly beneficial. Rejuvenate your soul and health Wray. We all have to do it to keep sane. Remember a woman is like a never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water ;) Take care of yourself Wray and let these days go by watching the birds and listening to the breeze! See I remembered you were a tropical lady! God be with you and bless you! RJ

Jan 07, 2014
Thank you
by: Lee Anne

Wray and Joy, I've not forgotten all your help and hope to always keep you updated on my continued progress with the progesterone. I'm so very, truly grateful and glad I found this page to just say thank you again.

I also pray others can be helped thru the progesterone therapy and even by reading about my hormonal rollercoaster, and that of others----so they can be encouraged to persevere with it.

I pray God blesses you with every spiritual blessing thru Jesus Christ the Lord.

Jan 08, 2014
by: Anonymous

I've only just recently found your website and I am sooooo grateful and glad that I have. Bad luck for my son though as for 19 years he has suffered with Chronic fatigue and at last I am getting answers for him. I so hope you recover quickly. I'm astounded at how little info is available on these two important hormones in our mainstream medicine. I hope and pray one day, biochemistry will be the norm!

It's folk like yourself that have changed and helped so many lives.

Take good care and HUGE thanks for all your help thus far. Immensely grateful to you,



Jan 10, 2014
Thank you
by: Joy

Thank you all. I am sure that Wray will appreciate your kind words, and to use her phrase, "bless you" everyone.

Take care.

Jan 12, 2014
Thank you Wray!
by: Jill

I am fairly new to this site but am so happy that I found it! I am just going to copy and paste some of what I said on my page (with a couple of minor changes):

The info on this site has been a godsend! I know that Wray is taking a much-needed break right now-- but I just want to send a big Thank You to her as well as to the other ladies who provide such well appreciated information.

Wray, you have given so much hope and help to women who are suffering greatly. I know that you have put a lot of time and effort into helping as many as you can personally and I appreciate your efforts and dedication.

I know that you have been considering the idea to focus more on those taking Natpro as you are burned out.

I want to say though, that it really has impressed me that you have had such a willingness to help all the women who came here no matter what brand they were using. To me, that shows someone who is really dedicated to helping each woman no matter what the situation.

But I also know how easy it would be to approach burnout so I really respect your decision to focus on those using Natpro.

Your site has been a godsend to so many women who are suffering and have no where to turn.

Thank you again for your dedication, your courage to speak a truth that goes against the prevailing beliefs and your willingness to help so many-- over and over and over again! I know that can be tedious-- it speaks much to the kind of person you are.

Have a wonderful rest and take time to really care for yourself.


Jan 12, 2014
Enjoy your sabbatical
by: Joy

Dear Wray

Well it's about time you took a break after 17 years!! I do hope those batteries are recharging and that you are enjoying your time off.

Thank you for all that you have done for me and for so many others. Your website is a life saver for so many people out there.

Thinking of you daily and wishing you love and light. Remember that 'gold bubble'?

Hugs xxx

Jan 13, 2014
Take your Time, but, PLEASE come back.
by: NY Rae

Yours is a site with such a fantastic wealth of information not typically available and fitting a niche so many more persons (and doctors, hello!) should be privy to. I want to thank you for your generous service. And, pray you will return to carry this torch!
Sincerely, With best regards, and in humble deference!

Jan 15, 2014
We miss you
by: Alyce

Hi Wray

Just want to let you know that I am watching over you. We ALL miss you but are delighted to hear that you have finally taken some 'timeout', if anyone deserves it, you do!!

As Joy mentioned, wishing you love and light always.

Much love.

Jan 15, 2014
Thank you Wray
by: Kay

This break is just what you need - you have been working so hard for so long.

Thank you for all your help and advice over the years. I hope you take this time out to fully relax and look after yourself.

Thanks again Wray, you are a star!

Jan 17, 2014
Message from Wray
by: Joy

Greetings all

Wray has asked me to thank each and everyone of you for your kind words. She has been blown away by all your good wishes and gets rather emotional when reading them.

Take care (this comes from Wray)

Jan 18, 2014
Thank you Wray
by: Anonymous

Your Website has been a godsend to many women. One thing us women tend to forget sometimes is taking care of ourselves while nurturing others. Wishing you godspeed on your journey. Take time for yourself.

Jan 19, 2014
by: Deborah


I'm so glad that you are taking a sabbatical - you're an amazing human being, and like every human being, you need some rest.

Thank you so very much, precious lady, for all that you've done for all of us.

I hope you get a complete rest before you come back here. Don't come back until then!

Much love,


Jan 24, 2014
Thank u wray.
by: padma

A Big Thank u wray for the wonderful messages which iam searching for these many years.Take rest and be wish is can I see ur photo of the great person.wishing u god speed recovery.

Jan 28, 2014
Wishing you well and good health
by: Natasha (UK)

Hello Wray,

Thank you for all your amazing dedication and work to help us all. i wish you a full recovery. We have your wonderful resource in your absence meanwhile.

Thank you for the excellent advice you gave me a few years back.


Feb 01, 2014
Thank you for this website
by: Aloka

Hi Wray,
I hope you feel better soon! this website is amazing and so is your work.
i have been on the paleo diet for 4 years but recently after i got my menstruation back after 15 months because of extended breastfeeding i am beginning to feel the lack of progesterone and found you site after searching all over for something to throw some light on what i've been feeling.
it's strange the lack of information out there on a topic so common.
thanks for the good work!

Feb 05, 2014
So sorry...
by: Karenina

Hi Wray,

I am really sorry to hear you had signs of a burnout and now you are on a break, recovering. I am not really surprised at all...I have always been amazed with your ability, strength and time answer everyone's questions!! In fact I am quite relieved that you are now resting. It is time to think of yourself. I am sending you a big hug with all my love. :o)(o:. If you need someone to talk to please email me anytime on......

I just to say I thank you every day for all the wonderful help you have given me in the past. Take good care of yourself. Lots of love Karenina.

Feb 06, 2014
by: Collette

Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help your angel has given you. ~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

Wray, you are an Angel to so many of us who have learned so much through your giving of yourself and knowledge. Enjoy learning how to relax and may you experience the life you are always trying to give to everyone else.

Feb 07, 2014
My apologies!
by: Karenina

Just noticed I made two or three mistakes in my message to you! I was very sleepy when I wrote it. Sorry about that. My new kittens are so active I can't keep up with them! :O) Thinking of you always... Lots of love and hugs to you. Karenina xxx

Feb 09, 2014
Best regards
by: Sanja

I hope you take this time out to fully relax and look after yourself. God bless you.
Sanja, Croatia

Feb 10, 2014
Thank you!
by: Rheaah

I'm a regular customer and just heard about Wray taking a much needed break.

Let her know please that she may take her sabbatic
al and recharge for as long as she needs.

She's been a big help in my hormone balance transition and I have been very blessed to meet her work. Her loyalty to Truth in regards to ever-flowing compassion, staying grounded and providing thorough and accurate information about the special role hormones play in the lives of every human on this planet.

Thank you Wray, for giving us a clearer understanding concerning the consequences of imbalances caused by synthetic materials in our environment.

All of the information -- so very useful and practical on the website is so worth it that it is indeed priceless.

Keep up the good work and recharge thoroughly!


Rheaah, Tempe AZ USA

Feb 11, 2014
Best Well-Deserved Wishes
by: Janie

If anyone deserves a sabbatical, it's you! Thanks for all your attention, care, and dedication. Enjoy your well-earned rest! Heaping blessings, full recovery, and deep rejuvenation upon you!

Feb 12, 2014
by: Sandy

I visited your site probably 15 years ago. I was astounded to find out you are located in Africa. You were a superb knowledgeable and helpful resource at a time In my life when I was most vulnerable. I hope you recover soon. Sincerely SandyZ

Feb 13, 2014
Thank you.
by: Debbie Voss

Please know that your message is helping thousands of women. Take this time to relax and enjoy and try not to worry too much about us ladies. :) We are all spreading the word. It may seem like a drop in the bucket, but the bucket is filling up and has a small hole in the bottom....

Feb 13, 2014
Blessings Dearest Wray
by: Nita

I am so glad you are taking time out Sweet Wray, and hope you are doing well! You deserve the very best!

You are such a hard working Angel and I know I am one of many hundreds, problably thousands you have helped from a horrific hormonal nightmare to a good life again!

Thanks to you and your vast knowlegde, experience, kindness and unwavering faith, I am here today.

Please take the best of care for yourself and enjoy your sabbatical!

Love & Blessings
Nita in Norway

Feb 16, 2014
God Bless You
by: Louise


What an amazing, informative and educational site you have developed here!

It was through your PregesteroneTherapy site that I first learned to think outside the "medical mainstream" box. This was 6 years ago when I was searching for answers for my own health problems and then later for those of my daugher.

From you I learned to search for answers for myself, and not to rely on any one individual to do my work for me. You opened me up to the possibilities of alternative health care and for this reason, and this reason only, my daughter and I are both well!

Using NatPro progesterone and herbal protocols I have recovered our daughter from lyme and bartonella infections. Her once inflammed brain no longer reacts with ADHD, Tourette's or Aspergers-type symptoms. She is a happy, pain-free, outgoing and energetic 12 year old.

You have worked so hard to find answers for so many, and in turn inspired me to do the same for our daughter.

God Bless You and Keep You Safe.

Know that you were instrumental in helping to heal our daughter.

Feb 17, 2014
God Bless You
by: Wray

Hi Louise I've had some wonderful encouraging messages, but of all of them yours affected me the most. You had me in floods of tears about your little daughter and her healing. It was the message I needed, that all healing is possible, even one as severe as Lyme Disease. One which has taken you so long to overcome, and yet you have. Bless you and your daughter! Take care and with much love Wray

Feb 17, 2014
God Bless You
by: Joy

Hi Louise

What a wonderful message to Wray, I know that this would have touched her greatly.

Thank you for believing in her enough to continue with her advice, even if it was a long, hard road to travel. So very pleased that your daughter is much better.

God Bless you too.

Feb 17, 2014
Thank You Wray
by: RJ

Wray, it's good to see your comment. Louise said it all for so many of us. Never lose faith, there are so many you have helped and have driven to a new way of living the life our Good Lord has given to each of us. Sometimes each of us get caught up in the mayhem of living and we forget to say thank you to those who have helped us out. Just think of how many folks have written on Joy's comment and then think how many of them have told others about you. You are much appreciated and you must never forget that! Take care of yourself, we're all thinking about you! God Bless! RJ

Feb 21, 2014
by: Debra

Hi Wray, I have posted a couple of comments on the chronic insomnia board, and have only just seen that you are taking a WELL DESERVED break. I hope that you are relaxing and recovering well. If you can remember I am in a bad situation, but without the help and advice/support you have given me, I just wouldn't have been able to put it altogether, and try the things you have suggested. I will keep checking the web and forums, and hope to hear from you when you feel up to it.
Best wishes, Debra xx

Feb 28, 2014
Reading your information on Factor V Leiden will help me instruct my daughter who is in her 30th year overcome the Oestrogen Dominance....thank you!
by: Deanna

I am so grateful that God gave you the desire to help yourself and to share with others. Because of your knowledge so many prayers are being answered. People can now start to feel the way God intended them to feel. No thanks to man made chemicals, pollution, etc...We the people are killing ourselves, because of greed (money)...not thinking of the consequences of the harm it has done to our bodies.

Not to change the subject, but now that I have found your website. I will be able to help my daughter who has major Oestrogen dominance. She has factor V leiden mutation. She is 30 years old and lays in bed all the time. She can't even take care of her children properly. I am going to start her on 400 mg of bio-identical progesterone tomorrow. She started on 40 mg yesterday and had trememdous headache and nausea...she is in day 17 of luteal phase. I didn't realize she needed 400mg until after reading your posting about Dr. Daltons recommendation. Thank you and God Bless you Wray!!!!

Feb 28, 2014
Enjoy your much needed rest
by: angel

Hi Wray - I hope you are getting rested and feeling good and having a little fun somewhere. I want to say that I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't stumbled upon your website. Because of the information here I have been able to make better more informed decision for my health. You are very brave to share all this info. Someday PLEASE PLEASE, WRITE A BOOK. I know you must rest but if your ever up to it. Something we can all pass along to our friends and family for correct information on progesterone, maybe the PROGESTERONE BIBLE: Everything you need to know and how to use it and when. With trouble shooting scenarios and real life women's stories. I WOULD BUY IT! i just paid 25 bucks for a stupid susan summers hormone book that has alot of wrong info.LOL Take care hope to see you around again someday.

Feb 28, 2014
Enjoy your much needed rest part 2
by: angel

One more thing Wray--The book would take away the need for you to answer questions here over and over! it would help you in the long wrong:)

Mar 06, 2014
May God be your deliverer and saviour in all things
by: Sara

Dear Wray,

My heart goes out to you. If there is anything at all I can do, please let me know..

Find rest and peace in Him who made you and in the arms of your family and may you recover completely and quickly. I have done lot of research on adrenal fatigue/burnout and it requires rest and a total lifestyle and nutritional change. Focus on yourself now and cast every care and concern on Him who cares for you.

Thank you for years of dedicated help and support to so many women!

Mar 22, 2014
by: Anonymous

I am 49 years old and haven't had a period for like 5 years but the doctor put me on progesterone tablets, and a estrogen patch for like hot flashes and other syptoms.Anyway I started my period like the second month of using this. Is this normal?

Apr 03, 2014
Miss you Wray!!
by: Beth

I hope that you are getting lots of rest and feeling better toots :) The Lord is camping His angels around you!!! You have helped and been a blessing to so many of us. Thank you!!

Beth Harville

Apr 07, 2014
You have inspired me!
by: Christine

I just want to thank you, Wray, for your so much needed and dedicated work. I have been fighting breast cancer for some years and tried everything natural under the sun (I refused chemo, radiation and surgery), lost 100 lbs and got very much healthier....but the cancer did not budge. I had been vegan for one whole year and suddenly developed bad hives for no apparent reason. In the process of researching this issue I came across the use of natural progesterone. Since my cancer was estrogen driven I was very interested. After a few days of google searches I finally found your blog and what you wrote about cancer and progesterone. That was the final straw so to speak to encourage me to try natural progesterone cream. Because of my inherent fear of "dabbling" with hormones I initially did not use a sufficiently high dosage. But after a few days of worse than ever ED symptoms I finally went all the way....and a month later my tumors had shrunk by 2/3! I am completely ecstatic! I also take DIM, calcium d glucarate, Vit D3, all the B vitamins with extra doses of B6 and B12, Magnesium and just recently added Zinc. I just placed my first order of NatPro (I live on Big Island Hawaii and the healthfood stores only carry Life Flo Progesta Care.) I am so much looking forward to the higher concentration which will allow me to use half the cream. Aloha to you, Wray! You are my hero, and I pray for your full recovery so that you can continue your great mission!

Apr 11, 2014
Hope You are Doing Better
by: Camperkat

Dear Miss Wray...I am so delighted to hear you are taking some time for yourself. You may remember I suggested this some time back. I have been "off-line" with your forum for almost two years, because my husband, Tom, was horribly ill, and almost died from a terrible illness. He is fine now, and up and about, but it was a long recovery and healing process. I have meant to write to let you know I am doing well, and that I continue to use NatPro and to be one of your "sales advocates" here on the North Fork of Long Island, NY. I send you big hugs and hope you continue to put yourself first--remember the airline instructions for parents/caregivers putting the oxygen mask on themselves before their children/wards. MWAH!! (I am told that means "kisses")

Apr 12, 2014
Appreciation for sharing your wisdom
by: Blessed One

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing all of your wisdom and research. I can tell by the articles you have written that you have researched and labored intensely!!! What a blessing to others that you would be willing to share without selfish motives. I pray that you are resting and being refreshed! Sometimes we wonder if all of our hard work is appreciated or helpful! Please know that you have helped not only me but so many others ! Thank you Wray. May God continue you and I'll be praying for you!

Apr 15, 2014
You are a gift!!
by: Anonymous

I hope all is well and life is being kind to you Wray.

Thank you for all of the wisdom and guidance! Invaluable!

Best wishes and I look forward to your return!

Apr 17, 2014
You deserve it
by: Henrietta

I just started coming here for information, not getting any from doctors. And you have been more than helpful. But you need to take care of you also. Enjoy your time off. God bless you.

Apr 19, 2014
Best wiches and thanks
by: Anonymous

I`ve been burned out, and this cream helped me back on my feet. I hope you find your joy in your life again. Best wishes from Norway.

Apr 21, 2014
with gratitude
by: Anonymous

Thank you for caring enough to provide not only extensive information but also a useful product. Though I've only started using it, it has helped transform a very challenging time. Thanks to you many may find relief from unnecessary suffering.

May 17, 2014
help me, please!
by: Sheri

Thank you Wray for helping so many of us with our important questions. I hope you have had a good rest as I know it is well deserved!
I hope you can help me, please!
I am46 years young and pregnant with my ninth child.I have seven living children. I experienced one miscarriage before my last son was born in 2008.
I had a very implantation and low progesterone which ended in the miscarriage. I was devastated!
During all of my pregnancies up to that miscarriage, no become so sick that I lose weight and am in and out of hospitals for the first six months. The last pregnancy, they put me on progesterone right away to help me conceive and maintain that pregnancy. I only threw up once! I couldn't believe it! Well, here I am again with my latest pregnancy. I have been on 200 mg prometrium marginally once before bed. Everything has been super until last night when I started out spotting. I went ahead and increased my prometrium to once in morning and once at night. This is just my second day for that. I ended up going to Dr this morning. My bleeding has increased. I had a transvaginal ultrasound that shows baby six weeks and three days with a good strong heart rate and a good high implantation spot. It all looks good. The hcg level was right on the mark. They didn't check progesterone levels. I am bleeding a bit more since that horrible transvaginal ultrasound. No cramping. My question is do you think that is adequate given my age and bleeding issue? I really appreciate you. I have been so scared and just want to know I am doing all I can do.
Thank you so much, it means the world to me

May 29, 2014
Feel renewed soon
by: Letitia

Dear Wray

You have been a help to many many women

God Speed, and get the much needed rest that your body is telling you it must have

Take care of yourself


May 29, 2014
I Love You
by: Adama

Wray, I wanted to tell you that I love you! Sending you light, love and angel kisses from the UK. Adama xXx

Jun 12, 2014
Praying for you Wray!
by: Beth Harville

You have been in my thoughts so much lately, I am praying for you..whatever situation you are going through at this time, I pray for you to come out of it 100 fold and better than ever.



Jun 12, 2014
reaching out
by: Andrew Sparrow

Thank you so very much for kindly and lovingly reaching out to all men and especially women with this simple yet vital knowledge regarding the basics of progesterone physiology in such an astute, engaging style. May God bless you and us all with at least another hundred years of life abundant.

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