
Susan H.

by Susan Herder
(Glenwood, MD,USA)

I'm 69 and have so many hemorrhoids around the anus that I can't pass a stool. For twenty years I haven't been able to pass one without liquefying the fecal matter with herbs or using enemas. I've had lifelong constipation and bled vaginally with all of my pregnancies, losing one of them. Now I can bleed pretty profusely with a bowel movement, but I can have several weeks without bleeding too. My daughter says I need progesterone. I don't use doctors, but try to adjust problems with diet and vegetable juicing. This is the first time I am on this site. My daughter says to just tell my story here, and read what people say.

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Jan 03, 2016
Susan H.
by: RJ

Hello Susan!
Progesterone will definitely help as constipation is related to unbalanced hormones. If I were to guess, you like me, have lots of estrogen and it creates constipation and then hemorrhoids. Do you take any other supplements? How about your water intake...almost a gallon a day is best and keeps things going. Magnesium is a big one too. But most important is having your gut healthy that is the key. Search Donna Gates' Body Ecology...great woman and looks incredible. is good too. Type in your troubles in the search bar...Sayer's dedication is wonderful. I take 100 billion cfu's of probiotics from Seeking Health, Bragg's Apple Cider vinegar and Tropical Traditions unrefined coconut oil every does each of my family members...including my furry ones LOL. It's terrible you suffer like that. Your body must clean the toxins out every day or you just cannot function. Best of luck to you and give it all a try! God Bless! RJ

Jan 06, 2016
Thank you very much RJ
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your comments, RJ. I don't drink that much, a half gallon would be more like it. I do take supplements, mostly flavonoids, C, E, D, omega-3's, a multi, Mg, and some probiotics. I have read Donna Gates. I'll get her books out and look at them again. But I basically follow her protocol. I eat all, to mostly all, raw food, and every once in a while some cooked vegetables or oatmeal (freshly rolled). I juice and over the years have eaten cooked food a good deal, too, but often raw food. I'm not terribly consistant. I don't consider myself underpriveled in anyway. I brought this on myself by being gluttonous. The gluttony is fixed at this point, praise God, and I wouldn't mind finding out what else I could do. I am really reluctant to take hormones. It seems to me like the body can heal itself if I just find out how to fuel it. I don't take natural thyroid anymore, because it increased my migraines, which, however, are pretty mild since I have been menopausal. Neverthless, they aren't fun. I'm pretty sure the progesterone would start headaches again. My thyroid is still very low. Softening stools or anything like that is insufficient short of liquification. It just won't pass at all if it isn't liquid. Thank you for your attention to me,RJ, and for your comments. I guess I would ask if it is common for people who begin progesterone cream to remain on it forever or are a good percentage of people able to wean off of it without reverting to their initial problem.
Thank you!

Jan 06, 2016
Susan H.
by: RJ

Hello Susan!
Wray has been on progesterone since her 40's and she is still using it every day in her 60's. Remember we don't make progesterone any longer after we enter menopause...oh a little in penial gland...I know I didn't spell that right. But it's not enough to speak of. I will never stop taking it unless someone can prove otherwise that it is harmful. Also keep in mind that God did create our bodies to heal themselves but as generation after generation came along we invented things and changed the natural process of what God put on this earth for us to utilize and it is those changes that are causing the issues in our bodies to be negative for us....corporate greed! You follow a strict protocol but you have no control over the pollution and other estrogen mimics that time has brought to this planet. Just like the nuclear plants pouring tons of radiation into our waters. So, yes our bodies need to correct themselves but only if we are guaranteed a non-toxic environment and that will never ever happen. They are cracking down on companies who have stated organic on their products because they are not and all along we are buying it, paying the higher prices only to find out it was grown and treated just as conventional products are. It may be you are ingesting too much raw. I would contact Donna tell her what is going on with you...she'll answer you. Certainly, you do not need any more fiber in your diet. There is a new Gut Summit starting next week. Go to her site, or Josh Axe's site...he's great too. I believe Josh and Donna are hosting it and sign up for it. It's free. Another site I fall back on when perplexed is and Dr. Eric Z...he is an essential oil expert and very spiritual and has some excellent remedies. Hope you find some relief from some of them...especially Donna since you are following her protocol. Take care of yourself! God Bless! RJ

Jan 07, 2016
Thank you again RJ
by: Susan H.

Thank you, I will do what you have suggested. How would you recommend that I navigate this site? What resources would you recommend that I study about progesterone?

Jan 08, 2016
Susan H.
by: RJ

Hello Susan!
To navigate, go to the homepage and there is a search bar at the top. Just type in one word and all sorts of information will come up that Wray has posted, responded or written about. The only people I know and have read about that recommend the high levels of progesterone that I use is Wray, of course lol, thank the Lord above for her, Dr. Dalton (she is no longer alive) who helped Wray, Ray Peat and JJ Virgin. Everyone else will tell you 40-50 mg a day. Those are the only that I have come across in my internet searches. Even Dr. Mercola, who I follow doesn't recommend that high amount and will tell you it stores in your fat cells at those high levels. Well Susan, let me tell you if it stores in your fat cells I am a walking "yam" lol. I used to weigh 300lbs but have lost 50lbs thus far and still going down. If I run out of progesterone today by tomorrow morning I am spotting and in two more days I will turn into a werewolf and cry at the silliest of things. My breast will begin to hurt and the water weight starts. So, if I would use Mercola's theory that excessive amounts of progesterone will store in fat cells then that would mean when I run out I would have plenty stored in my fat cells to not throw me off balance, but that's not what happens to me. What stores in our fat cells and is so, so very difficult to get rid of is all that estrogen. Estrogen and testosterone=fat in a woman and man-boobs in a man and if we are unlucky....cancer. Alot of men who have prostate cancer have estrogen tumors and progesterone therapy is given to them for recovery. I give my husband 100mg a day and when my 18 year old son gets cloudy minded and tells me things just aren't working in the brain, I know it's hormonal related and I give him about 40mg till the problems subside. Take care of yourself and I wish you the best in finding a remedy to help you out. God Bless! RJ

Jan 12, 2016
Thank you RJ
by: Susan H

Thank you very much, RJ, I will look up the references. Perhaps if you are a praying woman, you could pray that the Lord would show me the right way, if you don't mind. He doesn't need bombardment, one little quick prayer would be fine. I have taken thyroid. It gives me a headache that I can't get away from. Melatonin has done the same thing. So I'm a little leery of hormones, and experimenting with them.

Jan 12, 2016
Susan H.
by: RJ

Oh Susan, I prayed when I read your first comment...I do for everyone even if I don't respond to them. The Lord will never be is what he wants...constant communication with Him. I talk to Him all day as though He was sitting right next to me in the chair as my husband does. Build a kinship with Him and He'll guide you...may not answer you or provide you with what you are looking for at the moment...but inner peace will be given. Nobody wants to mess with hormones, but sometimes we just have to. Melatonin bothers my husband and son also and headache is just one of the issues. Look into GABA and take it at night along with some Himalayan salt...a teaspoon of that at will help calm you and provide sleep. As for the thyroid, I take 30mg a day of iodine and 500mg of tyrosine each day. My mother had thyroid cancer and is now dealing with the parathyroids. I would like to try a glandular thyroid combination additionally, but have not gotten around to that yet. I know there are a couple good ones out there. My mother takes synthroid now and I do not want to be on any pharmaceuticals if I don't have to. Hang in there and build that kinship with Him, you'll be surprised how much better you will feel!!! God Bless! RJ

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