by Nancy
I have been on a roller coaster for seven years. I was on for five years and then in 2013 went completely off biest+progesterone and testosterone and finally settled on just progesterone about 18 months ago--20-30mg per day. In 18 months I continue to have NO Interest in sex, gained 35# in a year, hair loss, facial hair and have fatigue and anxiety. Last week I decided to go off all ADHD stimulant meds, which I think were wrongly prescribed anyway, and quit progesterone on Sunday as a desperate measure to see what would happen in the weight arena. Felt much, much better since Sunday and even lost a few pounds but today a bit pmsy, really Short and nasty and wondering if the progrsterone stop was a bad idea? Am I taking myself to a worse place? I am desperate to stop the weight gain which has been in my arms, gut and butt/thighs despite a good diet and exercise. Was my protesterone dose too low? All thoughts appreciated. Nancy
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