
Rhodiola nightmare

by Liz

Hi my name is Liz and I want to warn of the dangers of rhodiola. I know it is a popular supplement but for me it was a disaster as it fired up my estrogen receptors and caused havoc with my health by skin issues all of which were played out on my hands and arms. At the moment I am up to my elbows in swaddling, my arms are tingling and burning, they are chronically dry and red as a lobster.
I am trying to counter this estrogen dominance and was going great guns on progesterone cream only to react to it with hives which was a devastating setback as my arms were healing.

I tried pregnenolone too and erupted in hives in response again, but after reading this site I am now back on the progesterone cream and persevering in the hope the progesterone will tip the balance

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Jan 31, 2019
Rhodiola nightmare
by: Joy

Hi Liz

Rhodiola is an adaptogen, and does have antidepressant, anxiolytic, and stimulant effects. If would appear that some women benefit from it while others don't.

It would not be progesterone that is giving you hives but rather another ingredient in the cream. If you can continue with progesterone that would be wonderful. I wish you well.

Jan 31, 2019
When estrogen promotes an allergy to progesterone
by: Liz

Further to my first post - I did persevere with the progesterone cream with disastrous results which I am only starting to get over.
You see rhodiola fires up estrogen receptors which may be ok for some women but for me the estrogen promoted allergies gave me an over zealous immune system on red alert looking for trouble and found it in progesterone which I was taking to minimize the estrogen so I can't take progesterone now full stop no ifs and maybes it is out of the question. I am finding new solutions to block estrogen now.
As regards autoimmune allergic reaction to ones own progesterone being a made up condition I assure you many women are suffering from it and I don't think it's helpful to write it off like that.
Yes progesterone is amazing but in my case I can't take it right now.
Since developing this horrible condition with my health I have looked into hormones natural and synthetic and the skin issues that many people are suffering from which are often complex and mysterious conditions - it's a learning curve for all of us but what stands out most for me is the havoc that the birth pill and HRT are causing to women and men all over the world.

Feb 01, 2019
by: Anonymous

Have you looked into DIM?

Feb 03, 2019
nightmare continues but no DHEA today to fuel the estrogen fire
by: Liz

I have just bought some estrogen blocking drugs - aromatase inhibitors which I may or may not use. I am eating broccoli every day plus green tea and soy for DIM benefits. I would rather do this naturally than with drugs but will use them if I have to to stop the estrogen which is promoting the allergic dermatitis response.

I was taking 10mg daily for past week of DHEA but have realised my body was converting it into estrogen this is a common mistake, I think one's body will even convert testosterone into estrogen

It's been a nightmare and it hasn't ended yet. Thank you for the DIM suggestion.

Mar 26, 2019
be wary of the soy
by: Catherine


I was reading your post that estrogen foods were causing you issues. Be wary of the soy you're eating. It's known to mimic estrogen in the body.

It will also bind with your thyroid so if you're having any thyroid issues, the soy will also increase that problem as well.

Estrogen mimicking foods are found in surprising places like sunflower oil, cocoa, lavender, etc.

I've been trying to reduce my estrogen levels as well. I even had to change my laundry detergent from liquid to powder as I read the liquid ones can also mimic estrogen in the body.

Jun 27, 2019
Phytoestrogens, Goitrogens, Unblanced Hormones
by: Lee


I hope you were able to figure out which ingredient in your progesterone caused your allergic response, or you have at least tried other brands with different ingredients. Your allergic reaction to the cream is not an autoimmune reaction, it is an allergic reaction. "Autoimmune" means that your immune system is confused and mistakenly attacks healthy tissues. Autoimmune problems are permanent/life long, are not curable and are not transitory. They come from a permanent malfunction within the body, not temporary.

Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis (APD) is a condition that ebbs and flows with one's menstrual cycle and their level of hormones. It is diagnosed by a history replicated monthly rashes and various blood tests. There is also a progesterone skin prick test that will establish if a patient is truly allergic to progesterone or not. APD would not suddenly develop after topical application of progesterone cream. Patients with APD would have a history of monthly rashes that come and go depending upon hormone levels.

Rhodiola increases estrogen production. Soy is a phytoestrogen and it increases estrogen production, too. It does not have DIM effects. It has the opposite of DIM effects. Many women are already estrogen dominant and should not consume estrogen stimulating substances.

Daily broccoli: broccoli is a goitrogen, or thyroid decreasing substance. Consuming it daily greatly increases the risk of having low thyroid hormones. Cooking decreases this quality, but it is still goitrogenic.

All of these hormonal reactions to various over-the-counter treatments and hormone increasing foods are very worthy of getting blood tests before more hormonal disruption is done. Testing estradiol, progesterone, DHEA-S, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone, which comes from the pituitary gland, not the thyroid), Free T3 (thyroid hormone), Free T4 (thyroid hormone), and thyroid antibodies TPO and TG (just to get a complete analysis of your thyroid and if you have a thyroid autoimmune condition, or not).

Best of luck getting this quickly sorted out and on your way to feeling your best again.

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