
Restarting BHRT. Feel great except for swollen and painful breasts

by Giuliana

Hello fellow travelers.
I’m 61, post-menopause for 15-10 years. Was diagnosed with osteopenia. Active. Cycling, yoga, walking, weights etc.

So, tried bhrt a couple of years ago. Loved all of it but doc would only do testosterone pellets. Got tired of a new scar on my rear end every few months. Got fed up with it all and went all natural.

Started feeling more aches and pains, joints, mood, sleep etc. so.
Went back on
Been a couple of months now but SORE breasts, up a cup size. Cannot handle the bumps on a bike.

Is this estrogen dominance? Told my doc. He increased my progesterone. Current doses are:

Estrogen estradiol .01 mg, estriol .3 mg morning, .01 and ,4 eve
Progesterone 50 mg ….. now 75mg for a week. STILL no relief
Testosterone cream 1% / 100 GMD

Soooo difficult to read doc’s handwriting.
Does this make sense to anyone?
I would REALLY appreciate some advice/help

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Jun 27, 2023
Restarting BHRT. Feel great except for swollen and painful breasts
by: Joy

Hi Giuliana

You very clearly are suffering from Estrogen Dominance because of the pellets which we do not recommend at all. Your sore breasts are due to excess estrogen and you could have thyroid issues. Was this tested?  Are you taking iodine drops and selenium?

We don't believe that any woman needs to take extra estrogen as you will read on this website. There are well over 100 estrogen mimics in our Environment as it is.  Do we really need to take more? You will not feel any relief from what you are now using. You also haven't been advised on how to use progesterone correctly.  Nothing less than 100mg per day is needed, more if symptoms are severe. In your case I would say 200mg is the level that you should be looking at until things settle down. Progesterone therapy is not an overnight fix, if used correctly you will benefit greatly, without the other hormones that you have been given.  It can take anything from 2-6 months, possibly longer.  Using a good organic progesterone cream such as Natpro, use half the amount in the morning and the other half at night. See How to use Progesterone Cream. Progesterone is also an excellent anti-inflammatory, if rubbed on your breasts it will help the pain a little. 

You haven't given your hormone test results.  If you have them, please compare them to those of the Hormone Testing page.  The ratio between progesterone:estrogen should be around 600:1.

If you have osteopenia I would say your Vitamin D3 level is too low.  Was this tested? Low vitamin D3 reduces the benefits of progesterone. Low progesterone and vitamin D3 can affect the adrenals. These make progesterone, which they then convert into cortisol, one of our stress hormones. If stressed the adrenals will also be stressed, and will struggle to make sufficient. Supplementing with progesterone relieves the burden. D3 is connected to every single functioning cell in our bodies, including the thyroid making it vital.  Also important are co-factors magnesium, zinc and vitamin K2.  

Consider coming off estrogen and testosterone and focus on progesterone only and use as mentioned above.

Hope this helps.

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