by RM
(Brooklyn, NY USA)
Hi all,
37 y/o female here no kids (yet, I am hopeful)...I am so happy to have found this site. I've been following the work of Ray Peat for about 8 years. The cessation of birth control initiated a cascade of issues that led me to believe I suffer from hypothyroidism--thinning hair, low body temp & pulse, dry skin, etc... What came first I don't know but I am grateful for the revelations that followed about Western medicine's approach to women's health, health in general--only addressing the symptoms and never the underlying issue or not looking at the system as a whole. I'm still struggling with symptoms and have experimented with both thyroid and progesterone but I think I was probably under-dosing. Last year I experienced breakthrough bleeding (spotting) mid month for about 6 months before finally getting in to see a doctor. An ultrasound found polyps, I had a D&C. The symptoms resolved but now almost a year to the exact date of my surgery the spotting has come back. A new ultrasound has found the polyp returned along with a couple of small fibroids:
There is a 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.7 centimeter fibroid within the anterior aspect of the uterus. There is a 1.1 x 0.8 x 1.2 centimeters fibroid within the posterior aspect of the uterus.
Mildly echogenic structure within the left ovary probably representing a hemorrhagic cyst versus dermoid. Please correlate clinically.
I am prepared to hear a similar treatment plan (D&C) and I know they often prescribe birthcontrol for these issues which I will never, ever go back on. I'd like to experiment with progesterone again. I have been scouring the forums here to get a clear idea of a protocol and wondered if you could clarify for me--given the recurring polyp & fibroids, the spotting mid month (I am still having 'regular' periods albeit they're a little more uncomfortable) Would you suggest using progesterone continuously throughout my cycle for a while or only in the luteal phase? Not sure if I'm considered a severe case or not, I am not bleeding heavily. Start at 200 mg? Thanks in advance for any insight, much appreciated!! And good luck to everyone on their health journeys!
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