Hi Wray,
I've been using NatPro for about 9 months and it really has cut down on the length and severity of my periods, until now.
This month, I have experienced heavy, continual bleeding for 13 days in a row, with very large clots. I had an ultrasound done and the dr. discovered an egg-size cyst. She wrote an Rx for Provera to be used for only 3 days to help stop the bleeding.
My question, will taking the Provera for such a short amount of time cause any issues with Estrogen Dominance or any other side effects that I should be aware of? My dr. knows that I use the progesterone cream and is thrilled that it has been working so well to control my periods up until now, however, she thinks I need a super boost of progesterone to control the bleeding that's currently happening.
What are your thoughts on taking the Provera short-term, for 3 days?
Thanks so much for your help!
Comments for Question re: Provera for Abnormal Bleeding and Ovarian Cyst