Question about Synthroid and Progesterone Use
by Julie
(Albuquerque, NM USA)
I have been using progesterone cream at 100 mg for eight days now, and I feel much better. The first five days or so I felt a bit wonky: shaky and too euphoric (if that’s possible), and having flare-ups of eczema. Today I feel really good, calm but with energy. I hope this continues as I feel hopeful.
I am 51 and have been having estrogen-dominance symptoms: extreme moodiness and anxiety, very painful, fibrocystic breasts (I had a baseball-sized cyst aspirated since it showed no signs of going away), and hot flashes for about a year. I had been on DIM when the breast cysts began, and that worked for awhile but stopped.
I had a hysterectomy (I kept my ovaries) 20 years ago for unexplained, profuse bleeding. I was shot up with Depro-Provera, but that had no effect. I have been on anti-depressants for 30 years (just going off two months ago) for severe depression and have had bad acne since I was 12 (still have some). I was on birth control pills to help with hormone imbalances, but that never worked.
Maybe my hormones will finally be balanced. I do have a question. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 4 months ago (TSH was 4.75) and am on 50 mcg of Synthroid and my TSH is now 2. Will there be any problems with being both on Synthroid and using the 100mg of progesterone cream? I am also taking 666 mg of L-Tryptophan at night for sleep help.
Thanks so much for this site. I feel like a different person.