by cheri
(Bristol UK )
Hi All
I started using bio-identical progesterone cream (self diagnosed as oestrogen dominant) in May, it really helped my overall feelings of anxiety (new symptom!) and symptoms of pre-menstrual symdrome that I have had most of my life!!
Im 47 and noticed a change in the heaviness and frequency of periods about 6 years ago - this has continued to change in phases from very heavy (phase lasted about 4 years) to most recently lighter much shorter cycles (for the past year).
I started using progesterone cream 20mg per pump - 1-2 pumps 14 days before my period and got lots of relief, I then noticed my mood really dropped day 3 day 9 of my cycle - so after my bleed started and up until the rise in hormones began again. I also noticed that I was getting night sweats in the week leading up to my period.
I consulted a doctor and was prescribed bio-idnetical progesterone capsule 30mg and a very low dose of biodentical oestrogen cream - both to be used 14 days before my period and a bit of my exisitng progesterone cream to be used whenever I felt i needed it. (I used it days 3-8 of my cycle).
Overall I am feeling much better as anxiety (inlcuding panic attacks and insomnia - which I only started having this year had become a massive problem) - however this month I havent had my period..(pregnancy test negative and not trying to conceive at 47!!)
Should i use hormones until I bleed or stop (as I did after 14 days to allow bleed to happen)
Pre-perimenopause my periods were very irregular 30 - 43 days - only improved after age of 40 for past year usually 26-32 days (i mostly bleed before the 14 days is up on the hormones and thats when I stop using them) so a bit confused.
Thanks in advance
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