
Progesterone every day?

by Alisha

I'm 38, I think my issues started with the odd anovulatory cycles and the protesting pill which I was on for 6 months, but I stopped more than a year ago.

I have estrogen dominance confirmed by blood tests, Oestradiol 975pmol and Progesterone 66nmol on day 21 with a ratio of only 78.

I started Progesterone cream last cycle from ovulation to 2 days before period.

Since I stopped it I have only been putting on weight at a rage of 3kg in a week, when usually I lose weight once the period starts.

This makes me want to go back on Progesterone as soon as possible.

Anyone still having periods but using Progesterone not only in the luteal phase?

I am on day 4 of cycle, been off Progesterone for 6 days.

Is it ok if one starts over right away after a period?

If so do we need to start low and increase after ovulation or always the same amount it's fine? (My best days were on 160mg cream)

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Apr 19, 2021
Progesterone every day?
by: Joy

Hi Alisha

I am a little confused as I have explained the best way to use progesterone for your symptoms and how to use progesterone cream correctly in your previous post see here.

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