I am in early menopause and my symptoms are insomnia and night sweats. The hot flashes (day)are bearable and I think getting better. My question is how long should I take sustained (400 mg) levels of P without seeing any effects. If I continue to take 400 mg of P (10 days and no effect on these specific problems mentioned) and my body gets used to this level how will I ever be able to get off this amount and still have a reduction in Night sweats etc. Also, I am running out of places to rub 4 .5 tsp of P cream, would you suggest that I use an applicator and use most of this amount in the vagina - it would be easier. Also, why do you not sell an applicator for this purpose (or any measuring device) so that I know I am getting the right amount. I feel like I am winging it with the teaspoon sizing/measuring.
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