

by Janie


I'm on progesterone therapy. At 200mg my ovulation doesn't happen - I'm just wondering what happens to my estrogen then??? Does it still rise? Does it still fall, if I'm not ovulating???

I'm worried my estrogen will stay high as I'm not ovulating to trigger the drop???

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Jul 26, 2022
by: Joy

Hi Janie

How long have you been using progesterone? It can take 2-6 months before the body adjusts. Are you on any kind of Contraceptives? If so, it could be the reason for not ovulating as it stops ovarian function, in particular by suppressing ovulation. If ovulation does not occur no progesterone is made by the ovaries, so levels drop. If you are taking any form of estrogen then it would also affect things. Anovulation or lack of ovulation or a defective luteal phase. In a normal menstruation cycle, 21-35 days, irrespective of the cycle length, ovulation always occurs 12-14 days BEFORE bleeding. In other words, the luteal phase begins at ovulation and lasts until bleeding occurs. You can also type in Ovulation in the search bar and read what others have had to say.

On the How to use Progesterone Cream page is a chart indicating how hormone levels change throughout the month. Please also read Estrogen Dominance and the Menstrual pages.

Is your vitamin D3 optimal? It should be between 790-200ng/ml. A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone.

Jul 26, 2022
Bad ovulation
by: Anonymous

Oooo I'm the opposite. My ovulation makes me feel ill. It still comes at 100mg 3.3% cream. Do I wavt ovulation??? I read I could stop it at 200mg cream. Ovulation makes me tired and sick.

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