by Teri
(North Carolina)
I've just finished my first month of Natpro and am currently on a dose of 133/day. I am feeling much worse but willing to stick it out for a few months. Now my joints are more achy than ever, my bloating is out of control, I'm dizzy, queazy, depressed, etc. I know the cream is working because the symptoms have gotten so bad. I attribute this to the battle going on for dominance between my hormones. Would this be a correct assumption? I woke up day 7 of my cycle and felt bad. I knew the estrogen was on the rise. Sure enough, according to the chart on this web site the estrogen was rising. As the days have passed (now day 16) I have had to use 200mg/day cream to feel better. I'm trying to go by symptoms with my dosage but want to keep it high enough to overcome this dominance issue once and for all. Am I doing this correct? I have been estrogen dominant for many years but was given the standard 20mg/day dose. I'm guessing that's why my reaction is so severe. I really do hope this works as it is my last ditch effort to help myself. BTW, I've also been taking 10,000 iu of D, a homeopathic supplement loaded with minerals and vitamins for my thyroid, and super quality high doses of fish oil. Any input appreciated. I REALLY hope this subsides over the next couple months.
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