
NatPro Progesterone Cream

by Natasha

Hi Everyone,
I just found out about Natpro cream through a youtube video that was uploaded many years ago. I am trying to found out if this cream is still available and where to buy it? I am accustom to websites with customer service numbers and I found a website with the cream but no number, so I don't know if it is the original company of the cream. Please help.

Also, I see in the forum where people got responses back from the maker, how do I send a email request? Would it be on this same page I am sending this information? Please help because I am soo overwhelmed with ALL the progesterone creams out there and I don't want anything that is going to have adverse ingredients and do me more harm than good in the long run.

Thanks everyone,

Comments for NatPro Progesterone Cream

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Jan 15, 2020
Natpro Progeterone Cream
by: Joy

Hi Natasha

Thank you for showing an interest in Natpro progesterone cream. You can order Natpro online, see here. A list of ingredients can be seen on this page. If you wish to contact us, please use the Contact button which can be seen at the bottom of each page. I can confirm that Progesterone Therapy (this website) is the original company of the cream.

You can use the Forum should you wish to ask questions about symptoms, otherwise use the contact up button.

Mar 30, 2020
I’m 61 and don’t know how much natpro to use and how often
by: Susan Mann

Help. How much Natpro do I use and how often? Please help.

Mar 31, 2020
I’m 61 and don’t know how much natpro to use and how often
by: Joy

Hi Susan

You are in Menopause and usually between 100-200mg is needed per day, every day, half in the morning and the other half at night. However, the amount would depend on how severe your symptoms are, you may need to use more cream. You will have to experiment with the amount used to see what suits you best. Please read the Estrogen Dominance and How to use Progesterone Cream pages.

Jul 24, 2020
progeterone cream
by: Anonymous

Hi, I'm 65, had a full hysterectomy at 60, I'm still suffering with postmenopausal symptoms.
Am I too old to try the cream? Is there an age limit?


Jul 27, 2020
Progesterone Cream
by: Joy

Hi there

No you are not too old to use progesterone cream, you need it even more now that you are in Menopause. Information on how to use has already been mentioned in the posts above. If you have not done so, please read the links given.

Jul 28, 2022
74 and struggling
by: Anonymous

I have had chronic insomnia and weight loss resistance, yet eat a clean diet and walk 3 miles a day. I am 74 and my nutritionist said that my progesterone is low. Am I a candidate for NatPro?

Jul 30, 2022
74 and struggling
by: Joy

Yes, most definitely you are a candidate. In fact we should all be using natural progesterone. Young and old, male and female. If your progesterone is low, what is your estrogen result? Both results are needed to work out a ratio. Usually between 100-200mg per day is needed, every day with no breaks. More may be needed if symptoms are severe. The How to use Progesterone Cream
Progesterone is a calming hormone and does help with mild insomnia but if severe progesterone needs help in the form of natural nutrients, see here, here and here. Magnesium Glycinate is excellent taken at night. Vitamin D3 is vital and is connected to every single functioning cell in our bodies. Nothing less than 5000iu's per day is needed plus the cofactors.

Have you had your cortisol level tested? High cortisol at night will cause havoc with sleeping. Evening cortisol levels should be checked, as there seems to be a rise at that point in insomniacs. If cortisol is high, zinc can lower it, see here and here. Estrogen if too high will cause insomnia, interestingly estrogen suppresses zinc. High copper suppresses zinc and progesterone, but increases estrogen levels. It seems estrogen is to blame for so many problems. Insomnia is but one. One adverse effect it has is it stimulates glutamate. This is our most excitatory neurotransmitter, see here. Estrogen also destroys beta-endorphin neurons in the brain, these produce endorphins which promote a feeling of well being and relaxation. Please read the Estrogen Dominance page.

Something that helped me greatly with my insomnia was the adrenal fatigue cocktail. If adrenals are stressed it can also affect our sleep. Perhaps you would like to try it .....

* 125ml Orange Juice or *Grapefruit Juice, you are looking for vitamin C
* 1/4 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt or pink Himalayan
* 1/4 teaspoon Cream of Tartar

Mix the above at the start of the day with enough liquid for two (2) applications i.e. 8oz/125ml of orange juice. Drink it mid-morning, as well as mid-afternoon. In addition, any time that you are feeling particularly anxious it would be advisable to prepare another mixture and take it.

PLEASE NOTE: * Grapefruit/juice can affect some people. It can cause interactions with many medications. Before drinking grapefruit juice one should consult a doctor. Essentially, grapefruit juice can block the action of intestinal CYP3A4, so instead of being metabolised, more of the drug enters the blood and stays in the body longer; this can be dangerous. Please always read inserts of your medication. For those who have blood sugar problems, use lemon juice mixed with a little water, you are looking for vitamin C.

All the best.

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