My Beloved Mother
by Justine
I have never really got the point of it all. We are born so that we may die, seems a right contradiction, the Great Conundrum.
But in having read all the amazing tributes to such a great soul, and having experienced life with this amazing woman by my side, my beloved mother, I see the reason for a Life. Death is not an ending, just a transition and the story we write with our life energy and gift is the juice that feeds the universe and keeps adding colour and variation to The Great fabric of Consciousness, helping others who come after us to develop their stories and so add more design to The Story.
To me as her daughter she was my primary, my wellspring of wisdom, my guide, teacher, my love of all loves. She never protected me too much, allowing me the space to experiment and learn and grow my own story with her guidance and beautiful nurturing care.
To see how many she has touched through her incredible and endless research and how many have been helped because of her on their own journey, brings tears of sadness, joy and compassion from my heart to my eyes, and these tears too, come from knowing her condition in these last three years and how she always gave others her time, support, wisdom, knowledge and encouragement even though her own journey was becoming increasingly difficult.
The knowledge too, that some people in this world were out to copy and destroy her and her business, breaks my heart. And yet she forgave and pushed on regardless of their negative projections, because to her it was not a business, but a sharing of her soul with an integrity and selflessness that I have yet to recognise in another. Knowing who she really was, she deserved not one ounce of malice, manipulation nor suffering, but this life does not allow angels to be treated differently to murderers and that, I guess, is one great lesson.
Though I will miss her beautiful face, and sparkling eyes I feel her presence so strongly that I am left in a state of acceptance and sad peace assured that she has moved to a higher realm of beauty and joy.
My beloved mother, Wray, you are a realised soul of pure light and this World is all the better for the colour and wisdom you have woven here with your story of Wrayness.
My undying love and gratitude for having known you.