
Low mood

by Charlie

I'm 3 weeks into my progesterone therapy. 150mg cream. It is giving me very low moods. I've heard progesterone affects mood. Is it not right for me???

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Jun 23, 2022
by: Joy

Hi Charlie

As explained many times on the website and this Forum, it can take 2-6 months before one benefits as explain in the How to use Progesterone Cream page. Time and patience is needed. Three weeks is not nearly enough time for progesterone to become dominant. Progesterone therapy does disrupt things in the beginning but things will settle down, it all depends on how much excess estrogen you have and how bad your adverse symptoms are.

Jun 23, 2022
Balance of Progesterone
by: Sharon Hawkins

Progesterone will take time to work. It is a balancing hormone to the estrogenic symptoms one experiences, especially if you are still having your mensuration monthly. Progesterone in its natural form is an anti-inflammatory. All of this depends on if and that is a big word here, that if you are converting the progesterone into estrogen. You would be able to find out this through your blood work. It is called aromatase enzyme. Where you are converting testosterone into estrogen, or if the progesterone is stimulating the estrogen receptors.

Hope this helps to understand your body. Progesterone is hard to raise with creams. It will last about 2 hours after it is applied. During that time, it will spike at a good level, then it will decline. So that is why you must apply it twice a day. All of this too, depends on how well your Adrenal glands are working, and how well your Liver is able to process your estrogen, if you are on hormones, or if you are eating estrogenic foods, and our genes too. Look at your mother and Grandmother on your mother side, and take into account your genetics and your food and our environment.

Jun 25, 2022
Fat Producing Estrogen?
by: Anonymous

I am also dealing with depression (not FROM progesterone but hoping it will help it) and the comment to Charlie ... "Progesterone therapy does disrupt things in the beginning but things will settle down, it all depends on how much excess estrogen you have and how bad your adverse symptoms are" ... it is my understanding that fat actually produces estrogen. Even tho I am 70, I am also 100lbs overweight (also working hard on reducing that). If fat does produce estrogen, even tho I'm 20 years post menopause, I would imagine I'm very estrogen dominant, too. Do you think as the fat comes off that the estrogen will abate too? Just curious about this. Thanks.

Jun 27, 2022
Fat Producing Estrogen?
by: Joy

Hi Anonymous

As progesterone is a calming hormone it does help with mild depression. Various calming nutrients are needed, progesterone can't do it on it's own it needs help see here.

Estrogen is a mitogen causing fat cells to proliferate. Fat is stimulated by estrogen, plus it also causes oedema. Please read the Estrogen Dominance page. Have you been tested for Insulin Resistance? This could be the cause of your weight gain plus excess estrogen.

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