
hot flushes with bioidentical projesterone

by lisa

can u please help me, I am 51 and have been on progesterone @ 100 mg at night. due to horrific migraines. migraines eased down after taking the progesterone but now I get horrible hot flushes during the daytime. I tried taking it in the day but the migraines came back. I tried black cohosh and had a migraine for a full week so I stopped. what can I take for these hot flushes without causing migraines?

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Jul 28, 2014
Hot Flushes with bioidentical progesterone
by: Joy

Hi Lisa

Excess estrogen can trigger Migraines please read the page on Oestrogen Dominance Progesterone is an excellent anti-inflammatory, try rubbing some cream at the back of your neck and up the side of your temples when they occur. When in Peri-menopause and Menopause, usually 100mg progesterone per day is not enough, using too little can cause adverse symptoms. Hot Flushes need 400-500mg per day for 4-6 days, possibly longer depending on how severe they are. As soon as the flushes have stopped and you feel stable enough, you can slowly start to reduce the amount of progesterone cream, but no less than 16mg at a time until you find a level that suits you. It is best to use progesterone a minimum of twice a day as progesterone levels start to drop after 13 hours.

How to use Progesterone Cream will help you understand the use and benefits of progesterone. Progesterone therapy is not an overnight fix, it can take anything from 2 – 6 months before positive signs are felt. The aim is to make progesterone the dominant hormone, once this happens things will improve.

Another thing to consider is Vitamin D do you know what your level is as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone.

Hope this helps you.

Jul 28, 2014
by: Lisa

Thank you for Wray. I have read on everything in the forum but still don't understand how many bottles of napro I need to get 400 mg of progesterone realize that 60 grams and 2,000 mg are in 1 tube and I noticed it doesn't have a pump so how do you know how much you are getting when you put it on? and how many tubes I need per month? Thank you in advance for your help.

Jul 30, 2014
by: Joy

Hi Lisa

If you read the How to use Progesterone Cream page mentioned above, it will explain this all to you. The entire page is important, but look for a chart indicating Natpro Conversion. 400mg of Natpro will last you 5 days. If you are battling to measure, get hold of some measuring spoons.

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