Horrific Progesterone Side Effects and Dependency, Please Someone Help Me
by Logan
I know this is long, but I am very desperate and feel that I need to at least try and write my story on here to see if anyone can help me or has gone through anything similar. I am very ill and do not know what to do... I am completely lost.
Here is my story. I am a 26 year old female. In June of 2016, my ob/gyn gave me a saliva test and found out that my progesterone was low. He basically scared me into taking 150mg of bioidentical progesterone cream even though I did not feel unhealthy whatsoever (aside from some anxiety issues). A few months into using it, I woke up with a heart arrhythmia so fast that it literally almost killed me. After that day, the arrhythmias continued to happen almost every night about an hour after I went to sleep. This NEVER, EVER happened prior to taking the progesterone cream. I also developed other horrific symptoms as well that I had NOT experienced before in my life that absolutely terrified me.
I found a new doctor later that year, who was shocked that I was given such a high dose (especially at my age) and recommended that I lower my dose in order to eventually get off of it completely. I followed his advice, which was to go from 150mg to 25mg. Unfortunately, this caused even WORSE side effects. My heart started to beat so fast and my chest would get so tight that I was unable to stand up straight, I developed two (noncancerous) breast tumors, I developed an extremely dry mouth that would not go away no matter how much water I drank, I developed fatigue that was so severe that I often could not leave my house and even walking around caused me to feel as if I was on the verge of literally collapsing, and it is now physically difficult for me to inhale oxygen because my lungs will not function properly anymore and take extra effort to lift and expand them... There are many other severe side effects as well, but these are the ones that have made my life debilitating.
I made the decision--myself--to go back on the cream even though it, too, made me very sick. I started to take 150mg again, and although some of the issues, like the fatigue, improved, the others did not. I am now trying to wean myself off of this progesterone cream and am at 90mg as of right now, but I am starting to feel the severe fatigue again.
I guess my reason in writing this is because I need help. My doctors do not know what to do with me, and I am discouraged with my situation. I have had to quit my job and can no longer drive to college because of my very serious symptoms.
Has anyone experienced anything similar to this? Please, reach out if you choose. I feel completely alone in this and feel as if there is no way out sometimes. I would be so happy to talk with someone who may be in the same boat so that we can help each other through this.
Thank you all for reading this.