by Jayne
Dear Wray, I hope you can help me. I am 43 and my Dr. has advised me I am suffering from hormonal imbalance and that I am possibly starting the perimenopause. She advised me to try to let the hormones balance themselves without medication and it was best I got rid of the uterine build up as I had not had a period for about 5 months.
My periods were fine until I suffered from shingles in January when my periods stopped for around 5 months. I had a lot of clear discharge around this time and my libido become un-naturally high.
I had been taking Vitex for several months previously as I had been under a lot of stress and my periods had become 3 weeks apart - I also had been feeling very anxious/stressed/depressed. On the Vitex my cycle became 5 weeks and I had more clear discharge.
About 8 weeks ago when going through a stressful time, I started spotting for 2 weeks - which I never had ever before and stopped the Vitex as a precaution. Then I had light bleeding 2 weeks, then a mix of heavy/medium/light for 2 weeks. Now I am back to a mix of lighter & spotting again. Sometimes it stops altogether for several hours, especially overnight, then starts up again. Occasionally, I get a mix of the clear discharge mixed with the spotting and my libido feels high. The cramps are not so bad but sometimes I get an uncomfortable feeling inside and a burning feeling - it happened badly after the bleeding was heavy and also sometimes after it appears to stop for a while - then it goes away for a few days - but it may partly be linked to irritation after urinating as I feel quite raw from it all.
I have been reading up a lot on Hormonal Imbalance and think I have estrogen dominance and low progesterone. This week I have started to eat much more healthy foods as recommended, am trying to chill out, and also started taking the necessary supplements to try to lower the estrogen levels. I have now got natural progesterone cream too.
Since I am still bleeding should I start it now? if not when do you recommend? And what dosage would you recommend? I really am fed up with all the bleeding - how long does it usually take to resolve? Also what can I do to ease the burning feelings? I have had ME/CFS quite severe since my teens so am really getting worn out with it and just am worried it is never going to end! I hope you can offer some advice! Thank you for your time.
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