
high estrogen, no detectable progesterone, low libido, hair loss, ed, gyne, sleep problems...

by Taddeus

I'm lost in this, I found our website after searching about my lab results (shown below)

TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL, MS= 700 250-1100 (ng/dL)
TESTOSTERONE, FREE= 90 46.0-224.0 (pg/mL)
ESTRADIOL= 80 < OR = 39 (pg/mL)
PROGESTERONE= NOT DETECTABLE <0.21 0.28 - 1.22 ng/ml
CORTISOL, A.M.= 10 4.0-22.0(mcg/dL)
Testosterone to Estrogen Ratio= 80, range 20-40
Progesterone to Estrogen Ratio= 2.56, range 200-500

Lookin at the lab results alone, it is obvious, looking a the ratios it does not look good either, so searching the internet I found about progesterone which I bought, hopefully it is good(, I have been using it for 3 days, 5 mg in the morning and 5 before bed, at least that what I found 10mg total for men each day.

After reading several posts in you website, I noticed that in some cases mose for women), and up to 200mg in some cases.

I do not know how fast should I see improvements, but so far it is the same.

I would like to know your opinion in my case, I have tried everything naturally, herbs, diet, exercise since I found about this 1 year ago, but unfortunately my estradiol got 20 points higher.

Before going into replacement therapy, I going to give a chance to bioidentical progesterone, and if it does not work, Arimidex. I just want an opinion of someone who has experience with this. I tried to talk to my doctor about this, it was hard for my doctor to test for hormones, until I demanded it from him after everything I had read, and I was annoyed at his contempt for not trusting him it was nothing, and trusting in pseudoscience, after the results came in (me knowing that I had something wrong with any of those hormones), he gave me a call, told me I was hypoestrogenic and that I should see an specialist, by the way, the progesterone test had to be done by my self because he did not wanted to do that one, so I found out that Estradiol was to high and progesterone basically non existent, naturally I was able to up my testosterone, from 248, to the value shown above, but I'm tired of feeling like this, I step into replacement hormone clinics several times, just inches away from the needle, but I was not convinced since they told me what they were going to inject me with would solve my problems without explanation. If I cannot do it naturally, I will probably do it at some point, but for now, I want to try this.

How long until I see improvements?
How long will I need to use it? for life?
What is the best does? I still have not found a post about someone with that much estrogen not on TRT...
should I supplement with something else? Pregnenolone? DHEA?
is it good to use Arimidex too?

Thank you for "listening" to me, I'm looking forward to you comments. Thanks again...

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Apr 25, 2022
high estrogen, no detectable progesterone, low libido, hair loss, ed, gyne, sleep problems...
by: Joy

Hi Taddeus

Please check the Hormone Testing page to compare your results. Please advise the progesterone cream that you are using as the link given doesn't work. We advice on a good natural progesterone cream such as Natpro which is a 3 cream. If it is not Natpro, please make sure that the product equates to Natpro. I suspect that the product that you are using is not delivering the correct amount of progesterone hence your estradiol result.

The amount suggested for men to use is merely a guide line and is symptom related. If adverse symptoms are severe then more progesterone is needed. It can take 2-6 months before benefits are felt, longer if symptoms are severe.

I can't understand why it is/was so hard for your doctor to test your hormones. Why? It's pretty basic and straight forward tests. Doctors do not like natural progesterone, they like drugs for obvious reasons. Or perhaps his knowledge on hormones is limited. Why doctors tend to ignore us when we say that something is wrong is beyond me! I am glad that you insisted on the tests. Should you wish to test again, you can always order online at ZRT Labs or Birmingham Hospital.

The correct use of progesterone will definitely help reduce your estrogen level and you might also like to try calcium d-glucarate.

Please read this excellent post where TRT, Arimidex etc is discussed. Take note of advice given by Wray. Links to ZRT etc and how to use progesterone correctly are given on this post. It's pointless me repeating what has already been discussed. Using the search bar is most helpful.

Please make sure that your Vitamin D3 level is optimal, it is connected to every single functioning cell in our bodies. A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone.

Good luck.

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