
Help with figuring out ratio and what my doctor wants me to do

by Robin

I'm 58 years old and have been in menopause for over 10 years. I have been using Natpro since June of last year. I have been using 5 pumps in the morning and 5 pumps at night. Can you tell how much that is? I went to the doctors because of some symptoms I have been having and blood work was done. Here are my results:
Estradiol <5 pg/ml
FSH 77.4 mlU/ml
Progesterone 4.00 ng/ml
Vitamin B12 658 pg/ml
Testosterone 35 ng/dl

I take multi vitamins, 5000IU vitamin D, magnesium at night.
My doctor wants to give my 6mg of Estrogen, 67.5 mg of testosterone and wants me to take vitamin B12.

First question: How do I figure my estrogen to progesterone ratio?
Second question: Opinion on taking estrogen and testosterone?

Any help at this point will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

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Jan 23, 2020
Help with figuring out ratio and what my doctor wants me to do
by: Joy

Hi Robin

If you are using 5 pumps on Natpro in the morning an another 5 at night that would be 500mg. Each pump delivers 50mg of cream.

Your progesterone:estrogen ratio is 800:1, it should be around 600:1. There is no need to be concerned about your ratio, some women need a higher ratio to be good. Please read the Hormone Testing page. The main thing is that you are feeling stable. If you do feel stable, then try reducing the amount of cream and see how you get on.

This website explains in detail that no women should take estrogen or testosterone. There are well over 100 estrogen mimics in our Environment as it is. Testosterone can have a dark side.

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