
Graves disease

by Kate
(Czech Republic)

According to my lab test results I have Graves disease. I have subclinical hyperthyroid with suppressed TSH, high Anti Tg and low progesterone.

I also suffer from breasts tenderness before menses, anxiety attacks, nervousness, light bleeding during menses and short periods. I had a miscarriage 2 years ago and would like to fall pregnant again. Can Nat-Pro cream help me? Does progesterone also affect TSH and Anti Tg levels? Thank you very much for your help.


Comments for Graves disease

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Aug 17, 2017
by: Rachel

I may be going against the advice you'll no doubt receive here, but if I were you I would seek the help and advice of an endocrinologist.
Adding hormones to the mix, without expert guidance is not something I would ever recommend.
I used Natpro for more than two years and nothing changed for me and now I have adrenal fatigue!
Progesterone is not a cure all!

Aug 22, 2017
Graves Disease
by: Cheryl


Please look up Dr. Brownstein. He is an expert with iodine. He has written several books, one of them is "Iodine, Why you Need it, why you can't live without it".

Please read his book. He also has some good videos on you tube.

Best wishes.


Aug 23, 2017
by: Alyce


You seem an angry person, I have read a few horrible posts by you. Why do you follow this forum if you are so against advice given and progesterone.

Isn't it time that you just left? Many people including myself have benefited from progesterone and the excellent advice given here and this website.

I guess progesterone didn't work for you, it has for many others, so move along.

You are a nasty troll.

Aug 23, 2017
by: Rachel

I promise I am not a nasty troll!
If you have been diagnosed with Graves, I would be seeking expert help, and not on a forum.
Sorry if i have upset you. I wish you lots of success getting healthy.

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