by Vivian Riggan
(Houston Texas)
Too much progesterone made my hair thin because some of progesterone can turn into testosterone.
After menopause you need both progesterone and Estradiol, you will see difference in how you look and feel.
Too much progesterone is not good it blocks some of the Estradiol.
I had my Uterus removed at age 28 and kept my ovaries, I have been taking estradiol and progesterone for 30 Years and look half my age.
You have more that one hormone and you need both estradiol and progesterone.
All these people say just take progesterone do not know what they are talking about.
Progesterone is your protection and for your bones and sleep.
Estradiol is what makes you have your female shape and good skin
Do some searching and reading to educate yourself about hormones.
Yes you can be tested, but that is only for a starting point, no test is going to be completely accurate, you have to also go by how you feel and look.
Also the same does all the time does not always the same, some time you have to go up or down
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