

by Beth

Struggling with fatigue 5 months of 200-300mg…in perimenopause, but still having breast swelling and pain, and panic attacks. I’m scared it’s not going to end. Take magnesium…and 10,000 d3 and also supplement with magnesium spray but have literally no energy anymore .

Comments for Fatigue

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Jul 27, 2024
too much of a good thing maybe?
by: Anonymous

both magnesium and progesterone can make you tired, maybe cut back a little on both

Jul 28, 2024
too much of a good thing maybe?
by: Joy

Thank you for your input, all comments are welcome and can be most helpful.

As you know things affect certain people differently. Progesterone is a calming hormone, it can make one feel slightly sleepy in the beginning. This soon settle​s down. It has nothing to do with fatigue. Magnesium Glycinate is highly recommended for those who are battling with sleep. If magnesium glycinate was/is a concern, there are many other forms one can take. Beth's symptoms are more complicated.

I encourage you to study this website, there is so much information about the benefits of progesterone and magnesium.​

Take care.

Jul 28, 2024
Too much of a good thing
by: Anonymous

The magnesium is at night but I need the progesterone I think to fight the estrogen dominance due to suggestions on the sight ???

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