
excessive weight gain and facial hair

by Laura Murphy
(Middlebrook, VA)

I have known for a long time that I was low on Progesterone. I did take your test and it again confirmed it. Agression, anger, stress, excessive weight gain that I cannot get rid of, and FACIAL HAIR for many years!

I just got my order or Natpro and wanted to know if I just use that amount it says on the directions, should I use more, if I put it right on the areas of the face where I have the coarse hair will it work quicker to rid me of it, will Natpro help me to get rid of this excessive weight? Argh! I am so frustrated!
I had a back injury several years ago, and I have alot of lower back pain. Will this help me to finally get rid of the pain and heal so I can exercise/walk for distances instead of go a little ways in the yard and have to sit down because my back is hurting?

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Aug 18, 2014
Excessive weight gain and facial hair
by: Joy

Hi Laura

Have you been tested for Insulin Resistance as this often causes weight gain. Facial hair can also be caused by excess estrogen and your testosterone level could be high which would also explain your Aggression. You do not say how hold you are, but you could also be in Peri-Menopause, it can also bring on aggression. Have you read the pages on Estrogen Dominance and How to use Progesterone Cream? Usually 100-200mg progesterone cream is needed, but if symptoms are severe more is often needed. Progesterone is also an excellent anti-inflammatory, try rubbing it on your back and there is nothing wrong with rubbing in on her face either.

The thing to remember about progesterone therapy is that it is not an overnight fix, it can take anything from 2-6 months before positive signs are felt, longer if symptoms are severe. So many people seem to think that everything will clear after a month, in most cases this will not happen.

Do you know what your Vitamin D level is, as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone.

Hope this helps.

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