by Linda K
(Tx, USA)
I was recently diagnosed with endometrial cancer stage II. Naturally, the doctors want to do a complete hysterectomy. I was wondering if anyone knows of any studies or research on the use of progesterone cream for treating endometrial cancer. I have been on 2000mg of 10% progesterone cream for the last five weeks (4 times daily).
Before I discovered the 10% cream, I was on a lower percentage concentrated progesterone cream. I was taking 528 mg (6 tsp) of that daily. Until recently, I had a lot of bleeding, but the bleeding is lessening, and I feel a lot better than I did a few months ago when I found that I was was low on Vitamin D3. Now my Vitamin D3 level is 70. I am taking 5000 -10000mg of Vitamin D3 daily. Also I'm taking sustained release Vitamin B complex 100, 2000mg NAC, 1000mg bioflavonoids, and 4000mg taurine. Also, I soak my feet in epson salt at night.
Due to the fact that I'm feeling so much better now than I did in November and the bleeding is lessening, I am tempted to wait two more months to see if the cancer reverses. Good idea or not?
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