
Emerita progest

by Rebecca
(USA )

I have already purchased a six month supply of progest cream in individual packages -- I thought this would be the best way to get consistent dosing. I am 46 and the last six months starting having mid-cycle spotting. Now just constant bleeding. Had Pap smear and ultrasound to rule out any serious problems. All tests okay - just in peri. I starting taking progest packet in morning and one at night but bleeding has not stopped. Money is tight and I would like to use the large supply I have - how many packets should I use a day until I can switch products? Thank you!!!

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Jul 06, 2013
Emerita progest
by: Wray

Hi Rebecca It seems each packet contains 1/4tsp, but no site says how much progesterone. So I'm assuming it's the same as their tube, i.e. 20mg per 1/4tsp, therefore per packet. You say the bleeding has not stopped. So I imagine when you say how many packets should you use, you are wanting to know how much progesterone stops bleeding? I've found 400mg/day generally does. This would mean you would need to use 20 packets a day, divided over the day. There are several other nutrients you should consider taking too. These are all listed on our Menstruation page. And please have a vitamin D test done, a lack of it reduces the benefits of progesterone. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the following websites, Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L, and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Let me know how you get on. Take care Wray

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