
Depression worsening. Please help

by Kim
(Missouri, USA)

I've been using 200mg progesterone a day. The first three days were euphoric--depression gone, lots of energy and contentment. But since then I've gone from sad to severely depressed over the last 7 days. I upped my dosage to 240-280 a day, but it's only gotten worse. I am not cycling, as I thought you said to use it for 2-3 months solid until symptoms are relieved, then start cycling. I have no idea when I ovulate; I'm not on a consistent schedule. I can't take this much longer. I also can't imagine using any more--I've got no more body to spread such amounts of cream onto. I'm desperate to know what to do--quit (and if so how) or continue. Please, please help.

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Nov 29, 2014
My #'s
by: Kim

For further information, my saliva tests results are: estradiol 6, estriol 35, progesterone 211, estrone 45, TTF 34, DHEA 6

Nov 29, 2014
by: Sue

Hi Kim . Oh you poor thing. It does sound like you need to take more. I have had to go up to a 10% concentration because it was driving me nuts applying so much (I'm taking 500mg a day). I'd really like to be able to purchase Natpro because I'm a major fan of this here site but until I reduce my dose it's too messy for me using the 3.3%.

I would really encourage you to increase your dose even if you feel like a greased pig. The fact you felt euphoric and the results of your test if I'm reading them right indicate that you really need it. Don't give up!


Nov 30, 2014
by: Wray

Hi Sue Thanks for answering Kim, I'm not able to get to everyone, 32 comments have come in and I'll never have time to do them all. Thanks for the kind words about the site, I would love you to try the Natpro too. I have used 2000mg/day or 1 tube a day for 2 months, I applied the cream over my entire body three times a day. It goes in very quickly so I didn't find it too messy! I like to experiment, still, after 18 years of using progesterone. Take care Wray

Nov 30, 2014
Which cream has 10% concentration?
by: Kim

The creams I've tried stay tacky on my skin and it's driving me crazy. Where do you find one with such high concentration?

Should I be cycling this cream? I'm not getting any better and feel really nervous to keep applying every day.

Dec 01, 2014
by: Sue

I actually searched online and took my chance on the first one that seemed okay. If you Google search for 10% natural progesterone you should get quite a few different places to choose from (sorry, Wray, for suggesting a different cream :) It does make a difference and make it easier to apply if you're struggling with the tacky feel on your skin.

As Wray would say, have you had your vitamin D levels checked? It helps the progesterone work better, and low levels can cause depression and anxiety.

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