
cystic breasts

by Nicky

Hi Wray,
Sorry to keep bothering you but I have no idea what to do. I've been on 600mg for 3 weeks daily. Using Natpro. After each dosing of cream estrogen ramps up again causing larger lumps, soreness and swelling. In breast. I can't believe I wouldn't see an improvement yet. It's been since January of being over 200mg. With an increase of dose for the first day breast symptoms seem to improve then immediately go back to severe fibro cystic breasts.Also, starting having greasy hair. I'm wondering if it's progesterone causing constant estrogen stimulation that never seems to end. Do you think I should reduce or increase from 600mg a day? I take 8000 iu of vit D. Maybe I just can't tolerate progesterone. I'm in perimenopause, but before progesterone no problem with breasts.

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Jul 05, 2015
Cystic breasts
by: Diane

Hi Nicky~ Consider adding iodine, in particular aqueous or diatomic iodine. Iodine can really help with cystic breasts.
It has been known for a long time that for the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine (its hormone), it requires iodine. Thyroid hormone with low or even normal thyroid function may result in improvement of fibrocystic breasts. These results suggest that iodine deficiency may be a causative factor in fibrocystic breasts. The breast has an affinity for both thyroid hormone and iodine. Without iodine, the breast tissue becomes more sensitive to estrogenic stimulation, which in turn produces microcysts high in potassium. The potassium is believed to be an irritant that produces fibrosis and eventually cyst isolation.

The following is from Dr Tori Hudson ND website:
"Four types of iodine have been studied in the treatment of fibrocystic breasts, only one of which has been truly effective both pain reduction and cyst reduction, and free of side effects on the thyroid gland. The sodium iodide, potassium iodide, and caseinated iodine can actually inhibit thyroid function in some individuals and actually cause hypothyroid. Aqueous aiodine is the only form which will not cause hypothyroidism. All forms of iodine relieve subjective clinical symptoms: sodium iodide (Lugol’s solution); potassium iodide; caseinated iodine (protein-bound); and aqueous (diatomic ) iodine. Symptom relief varied a great deal with the different iodines, but only the aqueous or diatomic iodine achieved both symptom relief in 74 percent of the women, but also objective reduction in nodules and resolution of fibrosis in 65 percent of the patients, without adverse effects on the thyroid gland. The recommended dose of aqueous iodine is a prescription of 3-6 mg per day."
Keep us posted how u do.

Jul 08, 2015
Cystic Breasts
by: Joy

Hi Nicky

You have submitted so many contributions on your cystic breasts, both on the forum and the FAQ pages that we are finding it very difficult to follow. May I suggest that you keep one thread going at all times, it's less confusing and much easier to follow. In my last reply to you I suggested that you should perhaps consider stopping the use of progesterone if you feel that you can't tolerate it, see here.

Take care.

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