

by Angela
(Myrtle Beach SC)

I have read books, articles which all give positive reasons to take progesterone. I had a hesterectomy but have my ovaries.

I called my GYN to get a prescription for progesterone, I was going to have it compounded, he told me in no way should I take progesterone. I am taking estradiol tablets daily 1mg. Why would a Dr. prescribe estrogen without progesterone? I think at this point I will seek a new GYN.


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Apr 27, 2011
levels of hormones
by: Maree/Scotland

I think without knowing exactly what your levels of oestrogen, estradiol, progesterone and testosterone are at the minute, it is difficult to make a decision as to what and how to supplement. You need the figures, then go forward from there. For instance is your oestrogen so low that he is chosing to supplement it ? Is there an imbalance going on and do you have already adequate level of progesterone ? Saliva testing to get yourself a good clear picture may be a good place to start also, and maybe another expert to work hand in hand with too. Hope this helps a bit. Maree/Scotland

Apr 27, 2011
It's Loud and Clear!
by: Eve

The best advice I can give is play a role in your journey for health and balance. It would be an injustice to yourself to place all your faith in a doctor without doing some leg work yourself. I personally would get a new doctor! He is clearly "limited" in his practice if he prescribed estrogen without natural progesterone. Just because one holds "the" title, doesn't not mean they are best suited for everyone. In general you will be looking for a practitioner that takes a natural approach and then you will find greater awareness about natural progesterone therapy! This website is a wonderful resource. I personally have been on natural progesterone for over a year and it saved my life as my symptoms were extreme. Good luck!

May 04, 2011
by: Wray

Hi Angela The reason you were given only oestrogen was because you have had a hyst. Gyn's believe we don't need progesterone, unless the uterus is intact. In which case they will give a progestin too. As you are taking oestradiol, please have a look at our page on HRT. If you should wish to use progesterone, please look at our page on Menopause. I recommend 100-200mg/day progesterone, dependant on symptoms. Please also read our page on Oestrogen Dominance too, as this can occur when first using progesterone. Take care Wray

May 04, 2011
levels of hormones
by: Wray

Hi Maree It's common practice to only give oestrogen once a hyst has been performed. But as many papers point out, progesterone is also needed. He is obviously going on the assumption she needs only oestrogen. I agree with you, Saliva Tests are more accurate than testing serum levels. But one thing a test can't tell, is how is the person feeling. Often results come back with all the hormones in the 'normal' range. But I've found if oestrogen is high normal and progesterone low normal, all hell can break loose! We found from the saliva tests we run that the ratio of progesterone to oestrogen shoued be 600:1 and over to feel well. Take care Wray

May 04, 2011
It's Loud and Clear!
by: Wray

Hi Eve Once again, many thanks for your input, always so sound! Take care Wray

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