by Halle
I am 55 years old and have the following symptoms....joint aches/pains, hot flashes,night sweats,foggy thinking,irritability, lethargy-to name a few. I recently found an MD dealing in Bioidentical hormone therapy. My initial blood work, taken 2 months ago showed
Vitamin D at 69 nmol/l
Testosterone at 0.8 nmol/l (free testosterone at 0.4 pmol/l
Progesterone at 1 nmol/l
Estradiol-17 beta at <70 pmol/l
Estrone at 140 pmol/l
This new Dr prescribed
progesterone cream 5% ..1.0ml(4clicks) at bedtime for 3weeks on and 1week off
testosterone .5% ....5ml daily for 6 days/week
Bi-Est 30/70 (E2/E3) 1.25 mg/ml.....1.0ml( 4clicks) daily 6 days /week
Vit D 5000 iu along with K2 150 mcg
Omega 3 capsx3 per day
It has now been 7weeks and I just had another blood test which showed
Testosterone at 13.8 nmol/l(free testosterone at 14.5 pmol/l
Progesterone at 2 nmol/l
Estradiol -17 beta at 92 pmol/l
I go back to see him in 2 weeks...I am just so confused at all these numbers As for my symptoms, I can say I only have 1-2 hot flashes per day now and no night sweats but I still feel lethargic and foggy thinking and irritable and pain in joints remain. . from what I've been reading online--I worked out that my first blood test shows a P:E ratio of 18:1 and the second blood test now shows a P:E ratio of 25:1 ??
Did I figure that out properly?? if I did..don't I need to be a lot more Progesterone??? what about the quantity of Estrogen ?? and what about that high Testosterone level???
Could somebody please advise me on what I should be doing...when I first started applying these creams, I seem to start to feel better, but now not so sure other than hot flashes improving.I just know what/who to believe as there are so many conflicting recommendations.
I really enjoy reading the other stories here and hope I can find some answers to help me.
I thank you in advance,